
A python library for scraping rss and saving them into SQlite databae

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


rssarchive is a library for fetching multiple RSS source into SQLite database. It has with functionality of scraping full text via newspaper3k library.

Quick Start

To install rssarchive just use with pip:

pip install rssarchive

To use rssarchive you can use over console or calling as library:

Using via console simply call:


Using as library:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import rssarchive as ra
newra  = ra.RssArchive(CONFIG_TEST_MODE=True,CONFIG_FULL_TEXT_MODE = False)

When you run the batch_save_rss() command the library will create two files in the current directory

  • rsslist.cv: This is default file that include some RSS sources
  • rssarchive.sqlite: This is SQLite file that fetched news

After code finishes his task you can view/edit the SQLite file with SQLiteBrowser app.

You can modify the rsslist.csv file for your own sources and re-run.

Parameters in the constuction class

When you run code above you may notice the

newra  = ra.RssArchive(CONFIG_TEST_MODE=True,CONFIG_FULL_TEXT_MODE = False)

construction. Here all parameters are defined:


CONFIG_SQLITEDB_URL = "rssarchive.sqlite",

CONFIG_RSS_LIST = "rss_list.csv",

CONFIG_SINGLE_RSS_SOURCE_URL = "https://www.sabah.com.tr/rss/anasayfa.xml",


CONFIG_TEST_VAR = "suatatan",



Amgong these params just two parameters are critical:

CONFIG_EASY_DEBUG: If True you can show all messages in the code, if false you cannot

CONFIG_FULL_TEXT_MODE: If True library will fetch full text of each URL (it takes time) if False the library will getch RSS only

CONFIG_TEST_MODE: If True the library just fetch two sample resource , if false the code will process all RSS sources in the link (please keep it True for your real projects)


This library is open-source library developed within the turnusol.org project. This project is a social enterpreneurship for detecting hate-speech and fake-news in Turkish. If you want to contribute this library or our project please contact us via turnusol.org

Packaking commands

python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel

python -m twine upload --skip-existing --repository testpypi dist/* -u suatatan -p password