
A minimalist react starter-kit

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Due to the dependency on babel-register, this starter-kit works only with node version >= 5.x

npm install nodemon -g
npm install

Usage in development:

npm run dev

Usage in production:

npm start

To build assets for production:

npm run build

To build stats.json, in order to analyse the app with webpack module analyzer

npm run stats


This minimalist starter kit is configured to realize the following features:

  • Server side rendered Single Page Application ( a.k.a. Isomorphic Javascript)

  • Hot Module Replacement within the dev-environment

  • Component based file structure

  • Implementing React and React Router

  • Set up a groundwork for lazy loading

The idea is to keep architecture out of this boilerplate, therefore the use of frameworks such as Express, Flux, etc. is avoided in this repository.

Furthermore, The following image illustrates the core philosophy of the front-end-back-end of UI layer

Image of Yaktocat

credits: Nicholas C. Zakas

Code Snippets

Explanations of some important code snippets.

At server.js the following snippets make server side rendering of react possible

import { renderToString } from 'react-dom/server'


data.body = renderToString(<RoutingContext {...renderProps} />);

While in development environment, the assets are proxied by the webpack dev server

if (!isProduction) {

  proxy.web(req, res, {
      target: 'http://localhost:8080/'

At Index.js the react-router and webpack are configured to lazyload ByeRoute.js

getChildRoutes(location, cb) {
	require.ensure([], (require) => {
		cb(null, [ 