Client Cookies QR Code generator for Orbot

Generate Client Cookies QR codes for Orbot.

The typical use case is:

  • you have a Stealth Hidden Service
  • you want to configure Orbot, on your mobile device, with the right service url & cookie

Normally this info is mantained in ${HiddenServiceDir}/hostname file - hosted in the server - in this format:

ServiceUrl.onion ClientCookie # Comment


git clone
cd client-cookies-qrcode
yarn install
# pass to yarn qr the configuration string as copied
# from ${HiddenServiceDir}/hostname (don't forget the double quotes!)
yarn qr "ServiceUrl.onion ClientCookie # Comment"

Now you'll find a file named ServiceUrl.onion.png in your working dir. Simply:

  • open the file on your pc
  • open Orbot on your mobile phone
  • tap menu (in the top right corner) -> Hidden Services -> Client Cookies
  • tap menu (in the top right corner) -> Read from QR
  • scan the qr code image
  • restart orbot
