
This is for Indian cases and data gathering from Indian government site .

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


forthebadge made-with-python
GitHub license Open Source Love svg1 contributions welcome


Now API is available for more conveniace for Developer who belong from different Technology and wnat to data visualizion.
You can use it for develop COVID19 Tracker in India for different plateform like- Android App, React, Angular, Desktop App etc... Just calling below urls and get JSON data.


Get JSON Data
Data URL
Get all test and state data till date http://www.covid19trackr.ml/API/all/
Only state data till date http://www.covid19trackr.ml/API/stateDataTillDate/
Only test data till date http://www.covid19trackr.ml/API/testDataTillDate/
State data on particular date http://www.covid19trackr.ml/API/stateDataOnDate/2020-06-01
Test data on particular date http://www.covid19trackr.ml/API/testDataOnDate/2020-06-01
Test and State data between two date http://www.covid19trackr.ml/API/btwDateSateAndTestData/2020-05-28to2020-06-01
Get current updatedData (updation every 30 mint) http://www.covid19trackr.ml/API/getNewlyUpdateData

Apps who are using this API

  1. A Django based webApp www.covid19trackr.ml and its repo is here .

Data Source

  1. For Indian state data mohfw.gov.in.
  2. For Test data www.icmr.gov.in


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.

Thank You.:pray: