
Project in Data Science class

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Project in Data Science class

Original data: https://www.foreignlaborcert.doleta.gov/performancedata.cfm

Link of dataset: https://www.kaggle.com/account/login?returnUrl=%2Fnsharan%2Fh-1b-visa%2Fversion%2F2

Explanation of colnames:

CASE_STATUS: Status associated with the last significant event or decision. Valid values include “Certified,” “Certified-Withdrawn,” “Denied,” and “Withdrawn”.

EMPLOYER_NAME: Name of employer submitting labor condition application.

SOC_NAME: Occupational name associated with the SOC_CODE.

JOB_TITLE: Title of the job.

FULL_TIME_POSITION: Y = Full Time Position; N = Part Time Position.

PREVAILING_WAGE: Prevailing Wage for the job being requested for temporary labor condition.

WORKSITE: City, State

lon: longitude

lat: latitude

Mindmap: https://atlas.mindmup.com/2018/04/081175403d5011e8aff8c7abfd3f124d/variables/index.html

Shinny app: https://lobs.shinyapps.io/H1B_map/