
Node.js Web Server Examples

Hello World Server:

Set up a basic HTTP server using a framework or the built-in Node.js http module. Configure the server to respond with "Hello, World!" for all incoming requests.


  • Request: GET /
  • Response: Hello, World!

Dynamic Content:

Modify your server to extract the name from the URL path using routing mechanisms. Respond with a personalized greeting using the extracted name.


  • Request: GET /greet/John
  • Response: Hello, John!

Query Parameters:

Update your server to parse and extract query parameters from the incoming request. Include the extracted name from the query parameters in the response.


  • Request: GET /greet?name=Alice
  • Response: Hello, Alice!

Static File Server:

Use the Node.js fs module to read and serve static HTML files. Create an HTML file and configure your server to serve it when a specific route is requested.


  • Request: GET /static.html
  • Response: Contents of static.html file

404 Not Found:

Implement a mechanism to handle undefined routes. Respond with a 404 Not Found status code along with a custom error message.


  • Request: GET /nonexistent
  • Response: 404 Not Found - Custom error message

JSON Response

Create a new route that returns a JSON object. Populate the JSON object with various pieces of information.


  • Request: GET /api/data
  • Response: {"name": "John", "age": 25, "city": "Example City"

Header Manipulation

Explore the Node.js response.setHeader method to modify the response headers. Experiment with setting custom headers like Content-Type and Cache-Control.


  • Request: GET /
  • Response:
    Hello, World!
    Content-Type: application/json
    Cache-Control: no-cache


Implement a new route that triggers a redirect to another URL. Choose an appropriate HTTP status code for redirection (e.g., 301 or 302).


  • Request: GET /redirect
  • Response: 302 Found - Redirecting to /new-location

Method Handling

Extend your server to handle different HTTP methods (GET, POST, etc.) for a specific route. Customize the server response based on the method used.


  • Request: POST /submit
  • Response: POST request received

Middleware Basics

Create a middleware function that logs information about each incoming request. Include details such as the request method, URL, and a timestamp.


  • Middleware Log: GET request at / - Timestamp: 2024-02-07 12:34:56

Request Body Parsing

Update your server to handle POST requests. Extract data from the request body and respond with a message that includes the posted data.


  • Request: POST /submit - Body: {"username": "user123", "password": "pass123"}

  • Response: Data received from user123

    Server Shutdown

Implement a mechanism to capture the termination signal (SIGINT). Gracefully close the server before exiting the application.


  • Console Output:

    Server is shutting down gracefully...
    Server closed. Application exiting.