
API for checking docker containers states in a small infrastructure

Primary LanguagePythonMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0

Code style Gitlab code coverage Code style

API for checking docker containers states in a small infrastructure

CLI https://github.com/subatiq/ops

Quick start

Step 1.0 Put Kornet fleet.yml file into inventory

opservatory/infrastructure/inventory/ <- file named fleet.yml should be here

NOTE: if you are using docker, put fleet.yml into volumes/inventory

Step 1.5 Replace company name in config.json

Step 2.0 Run locally

uvicorn opservatory.api:app --host --port 5000


docker build -t opservatory .
docker run -p 5000:5000 opservatory

To add/remove device

  1. Stop running container
  2. Remove volumes/state.json
  3. Edit volumes/inventory/fleet.yml
  4. Start container again

Made by Subatiq for the team of INVIAN. Powered by Kornet