
Easily add swift packages from the command line

Primary LanguageSwift


Easily add Swift packages from the command line!

Note: This is a work-in-progress. Somethings may not work. Please file issues if you run into any problems.


$ swift add johnsundell/Files

Added Files (4.2.0) from https://github.com/johnsundell/Files


Clone the repository and build:

$ git clone https://github.com/subdigital/swift-add
$ swift build

When you run swift add, the Xcode toolchain will look for a binary named swift-add somewhere in your path. So we need to copy the built binary into your path somewhere:

cp .build/debug/swift-add /usr/local/bin/

Now you're ready!


Add packages by GitHub short url:

$ swift add sparrowcode/SPSafeSymbols

Specify which products to integrate into your main target:

$ swift add firebase/firebase-ios-sdk -p FirebaseAnalytics -p FirebaseAuth


  • add with GitHub short repo
  • add with name (will search Swift Package Index)
  • specify exact version, tag, branch


MIT License