
Primary LanguageRubyOtherNOASSERTION

#Math Support Finder

The Math Support Finder (MSF) is a discovery and reference tool for pairing math content sources with accessible setups.

Note: the project was previously called the Math Support Matrix.



The tool allows users to search for a combination of assistive technology, browser/readers, formats, and other attributes of their computing environment so as to discover how best to consume digital mathematics accessibly with said combination.

We will seek to incorporate community feedback to identify more sources and setups as well as their respective benefits and issues.

The site streamlines the process of adding new setups, versions of renderers, browsers/readers, platforms, and assistive technologies.

Users will eventually contribute content sources that work well with one or more setups. Benetech staff, for now, will be responsible for approving submitted setups by testing them manually and then changing their status to an approved state that will allow these setups to be live on the website. User ratings and comments about setups could follow as well.

MSF is built with Ruby on Rails, CoffeeScript, and SASS.


This command will clone the repository into a directory called math-support-finder. This will be the directory we will be working in.

git clone http://github.com/benetech/math-support-matrix

You may need to edit .env.development and if you are deploying, you will need to populate the relevant .env.staging or .env.production.

You can set it up locally with your own PostGRES if you like or ...

You may need to add an entry for db pointing to to your /etc/hosts file to accomodate our .env.development setting for db. If you are using vagrant to setup the application, you may need to comment the line DATABASE_HOST=db in .env.development

To run the tests while you are developing, run guard in another terminal:


###With Vagrant

We use Vagrant. Download and install Vagrant

Vagrant uses VirtualBox. Download and install VirtualBox

You may need to make sure that VirtualBox's installation directory is in your path.

Run the command vagrant up in the math-support-matrix directory. This will take a while to download the Linux distro, image it, install ruby/rails/other software. etc. Once it's done, you can login with vagrant ssh.

If you want to use other tools for ssh, just ssh to port 2222 on your local machine, and that's where ssh is listening to take you to the VirtualBox instance. The username and password are both vagrant .

Once you're in the VirtualBox, then issue the following commands.

cd /vagrant
rake db:drop db:create db:migrate db:seed
rake db:drop db:create db:migrate db:seed RAILS_ENV=test

###With Docker

Setup Docker

#for OSX
brew update
brew install boot2docker docker docker-compose
boot2docker init
eval "$(boot2docker shellinit)"
boot2docker up

#here we go
#build the image on it's own...
docker build -t math-support-matrix .
#or with a postgres image...
docker-compose build
docker-compose up
docker-compose run bundle exec rake db:create db:seed db:migrate

#check the ip
boot2docker ip
#and open it in your browser


To run the server, do:

vagrant ssh #if you have not already
rails server

Once you do that, you can go to http://localhost:3000/ and you should see the application's homepage.

Also, you may need to issue this in a separate terminal on your local box if the port forwarding for port 3000 on VirtualBox isn't setup:

ssh -N -L 3000:localhost:3000 vagrant@localhost -p 2222

If the above doesn't work , another way to start the server is :

vagrant ssh #if you have not already
cd /vagrant
rails s -b

Now you should be able to see the webpage hosted at

Again, the password is vagrant.

##Creating a new admin

Register the user thru the site and then via the rails console on the server run:

u = User.last
u.admin = true

##Data model To generate the data model diagram, you can do:

railroady -o models.dot -M
dot -Tpng models.dot > models.png

Here's a representation of it for nomnoml

[<frame>Math Support Finder data model|
  [User | id: int | email: string | admin: bool | timestamps]

  [Setup | id: int | title: str | notes: text | status_id: reference | file_format_id: reference | 
    platform_version_id: reference | browser_reader_version_id :  reference | assistive_technology_version_id : reference |
     renderer_version_id : reference  | affordance_id: reference | timestamps]
  [WorkflowStatus | id: int | title: str ]
  [WorkflowStatus] <- [Setup]

  [ContentSource | id: int | title: string | notes: text | timestamps]
  [ContentSourceSetup ] -> [Setup]
  [ContentSourceSetup ] -> [ContentSource]

  [FileFormat | id: int | title: string | notes: text | timestamps]
  [Setup] -> [FileFormat]

  [Platform | id: int | title: str | notes: text | timestamps]
  [PlatformVersion | id: int | version: string | notes: text | timestamps]
  [Platform] <- [PlatformVersion]
  [Setup] -> [PlatformVersion]

  [Renderer | id: int | title: str | notes: text | timestamps]
  [Setup] -> [Renderer]

  [BrowserReader | id: int | title: str | notes: text | timestamps]
  [BrowserReaderVersion | id: int | version: string | notes: text | timestamps]
  [BrowserReader] <- [BrowserReaderVersion]
  [Setup] -> [BrowserReaderVersion]

  [AssistiveTechnology | id: int | title: str | notes: text | timestamps]
  [AssistiveTechnologyVersion | id: int | title: str | notes: text | timestamps]
  [AssistiveTechnology] <- [AssistiveTechnologyVersion]
  [Setup] -> [AssistiveTechnologyVersion]

  [BrowserReaderRenderer] -> [Renderer]
  [BrowserReaderRenderer] -> [BrowserReader]

  [BrowserReaderFileFormat] -> [FileFormat]
  [BrowserReaderFileFormat] -> [BrowserReader]

  [PlatformBrowserReader] -> [Platform]
  [PlatformBrowserReader] -> [BrowserReader]

  [PlatformAssistiveTechnology] -> [AssistiveTechnology]
  [PlatformAssistiveTechnology] -> [Platform]

  [BrowserReaderAssistiveTechnology] -> [AssistiveTechnology]
  [BrowserReaderAssistiveTechnology] -> [BrowserReader]

  [Technology | id: int | title: str | notes: text |timestamps]
  [Feature | id: int | title: str | notes: text | timestamps]
  [Affordance | id: int | technology_id : reference | feature_id: reference | timestamps]
  [Capability | id: int | affordance_id:reference | setup_id: reference | verification_status: bool | timestamps]

  [Capability] -> [Setup]
  [Capability] -> [Affordance]
  [Affordance] -> [Feature]
  [Affordance] -> [Technology]



First, we initialized our generators and our user login system:

rails g devise:install
rails g devise user 
rails g devise:views users
rake acts_as_taggable_on_engine:install:migrations

Then we generated our scaffolds:

#setup components
rails g pizza_scaffold workflow_status title:string --force
rails g pizza_scaffold file_format title:string notes:text  --force
rails g pizza_scaffold platform title:string notes:text --force
rails g pizza_scaffold platform_version platform:references version:string notes:text --force
rails g pizza_scaffold renderer title:string notes:text --force
rails g pizza_scaffold renderer_version renderer:references version:string  notes:text  --force
rails g pizza_scaffold browser_reader title:string notes:text --force
rails g pizza_scaffold browser_reader_version browser_reader:references version:string notes:text  --force
rails g pizza_scaffold assistive_technology title:string notes:text --force
rails g pizza_scaffold assistive_technology_version assistive_technology:references version:string notes:text  --force
rails g pizza_scaffold setup platform_version:references \
    renderer_version:references browser_reader_version:references \
    assistive_technology_version:references \
    file_format:references workflow_status:references notes:text --force
#content sources
rails g pizza_scaffold content_source title:string notes:text --force
rails g pizza_scaffold content_source_setup setup:references content_source:references --force
#component suggestion
rails g pizza_scaffold browser_reader_renderer browser_reader:references renderer:references --force
rails g pizza_scaffold browser_reader_file_format browser_reader:references file_format:references --force
rails g pizza_scaffold platform_browser_reader platform:references browser_reader:references --force
rails g pizza_scaffold platform_assistive_technology platform:references assistive_technology:references --force 
rails g pizza_scaffold browser_reader_assistive_technology browser_reader:references assistive_technology:references --force 
#capability components
rails g pizza_scaffold output title:string notes:text --force
rails g pizza_scaffold feature title:string notes:text --force
rails g pizza_scaffold affordance feature:references output:references --force
rails g pizza_scaffold capability affordance:references setup:references verification_status:boolean --force

#to generate only the controllers and views
bin/rails g pizza_controller workflow_status title:string --force
bin/rails g pizza_controller file_format title:string notes:text  --force
bin/rails g pizza_controller platform title:string notes:text --force
bin/rails g pizza_controller platform_version platform:references version:string notes:text --force
bin/rails g pizza_controller renderer title:string notes:text --force
bin/rails g pizza_controller renderer_version renderer:references version:string  notes:text  --force
bin/rails g pizza_controller browser_reader title:string notes:text --force
bin/rails g pizza_controller browser_reader_version browser_reader:references version:string notes:text  --force
bin/rails g pizza_controller assistive_technology title:string notes:text --force
bin/rails g pizza_controller assistive_technology_version assistive_technology:references version:string notes:text  --force
bin/rails g pizza_controller setup platform_version:references \
    renderer_version:references browser_reader_version:references \
    assistive_technology_version:references \
    file_format:references workflow_status:references notes:text --force
#content sources
bin/rails g pizza_controller content_source title:string notes:text --force
bin/rails g pizza_controller content_source_setup setup:references content_source:references --force
#component suggestion
bin/rails g pizza_controller browser_reader_renderer browser_reader:references renderer:references --force
bin/rails g pizza_controller browser_reader_file_format browser_reader:references file_format:references --force
bin/rails g pizza_controller platform_browser_reader platform:references browser_reader:references --force
bin/rails g pizza_controller platform_assistive_technology platform:references assistive_technology:references --force 
bin/rails g pizza_controller browser_reader_assistive_technology browser_reader:references assistive_technology:references --force 

#capability components
bin/rails g pizza_controller output title:string notes:text --force
bin/rails g pizza_controller feature title:string notes:text --force
bin/rails g pizza_controller affordance feature:references output:references --force
bin/rails g pizza_controller capability affordance:references setup:references verification_status:boolean --force


