
This is play ground to introduce yourself with git.


This is a sample project to learn basic features of git and get used to with the commands.

know your repository

While working with git, we must maintain git flow. Which essentially means, there will be 2 default branches master and develop. For any new feature development or bug fix we will create new branch from develop. We check in the new changes to the newly created feature branch. We review or validate the changes and merge it to develop. Once develop has that code, we again re-check/re-validate and run our tests and then finally promote the develop to master. So we ensure that our develop always has latest working code, which may not be stable and master always has stable code which may not be latest.

getting started

  • Go to a project root directory on PC. example D:\my-projects
  • right click and open git bash
  • Run command
git clone https://github.com/subhadippramanik/git-playground.git
  • now you will see a project directory git-playground under your project root directory
  • so you have checked out develop branch now
  • in this case you will see only one file README.md under this directory, as we don't have added any code for now.
  • now add your code files/directories to this directory D:\my-projects\git-playground
  • go to git bash
  • run command
cd git-playground
  • now we have made some change to the project and to check the changes run
git status
  • this will show list of newly added files/directories in red color, which means there are some changes, but not staged. To stage the changes run
git add <filename>

or to add all files

git add --all
  • to confirm everything is added run git status again and here you should see the same list of files/directories but in green color
  • now commit the changeset with a meaningful comment using command
git commit -m "some meaningful message"
  • so far everything we have changed, are in local PC and now we are going to push the changes to remote repository
  • here comes the git flow in picture, which means we will create feature branch and push the changes to there. Let's assume the feature branch name is feat-one. Here is the sequence of commands we run to check in the code along with the new brnach to remote repository.
git checkout -b feat-one
git push -u origin feat-one
  • voila... you are done
  • Now create a pull request where you should select base branch as develop. Anyone who verifies and validates the changes can merge the changes to develop and eventually which gets promoted to master as well.