DnuCLASS: Modified CLASS -- Cosmic Linear Anisotropy Solving System code to include Dark Neutrino interactions.

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Authors: Subhajit Ghosh, Rishi Khatri & Tuhin S. Roy

This code is built on existing CLASS: Cosmic Linear Anisotropy Solving System (https://github.com/lesgourg/class_public) code developed by Julien Lesgourgues and Thomas Tram. This code computes CMB power spectrum and matter power spectrum for Dark Neutrino interaction (DNI) cosmology in a flat universe.

In DNI cosmology the Standard model neutrinos interact with a fraction of total dark matter of the universe (NIDM - Neutrino interacting DM) with temperature independent scattering cross-section. This cosmology predicts a higher value of Hubble constant owing to the modification of neutrino induced phase shift in the CMB (https://arxiv.org/abs/1908.09843). It also predicts enhancement of primordial gravitational waves and CMB B modes (https://arxiv.org/abs/1711.09929)

For detailed documentation please refer to the file DnuCLASS-doc.pdf distributed with the code.

You can use DnuCLASS freely, provided that in your publications, you cite at least these papers: Dark Neutrino interactions phase out the Hubble tension, Dark neutrino interactions make gravitational waves blue and CLASS II: Approximation schemes. Feel free to cite more CLASS papers!

To get support, please open a new issue on https://github.com/subhajitghosh-phy/CLASS_DNI/ or email at subhajit.tifr@gmail.com.