Hi there 👋, I am Subham

CSE Junior at IIT Ropar

I am keenly interested in software development. Since my first year, I contributed significantly to open-source projects where I built end-to-end AI models and created CI-CD pipelines for deployment using Azure MLOps. I have recently interned at DataOrb.ai as an NLP intern where I worked with large language models. I also have previous research experience in autonomous UAV tracking using deep learning (CNN-LSTMs) based computer vision techniques and reinforcement learning. I have designed software solutions to problem statements from diverse domains. I am familiar with Java, react JS, node JS , firebase, flask, django , sql and nosql databases. I love participating in hackathons and have led my institute to victory at the national level.

💬 Ask me about software development, AI, business consultancy, and data analytics

📫 How to reach me 2020csb1317@iitrpr.ac.in

📄 Know about my experiences Resume