
Technologies used -

Frontend - reactjs, tailwindCss

Backend - Nodejs, ExpressJs

Database - PostgreSQl

Deployed links:-

Frontend - https://rentify-client-xi.vercel.app/ Backend - https://rentify-server.onrender.com

(Note:- The backend is deployed on render.com(free), so the operations could be slow. Please refresh few times and wait for 20-30 min for the backend to spin up.)

To run this on you local system -

  1. Git clone the frontend app (link:- https://github.com/subhamengine/rentify-client)
  2. Git clone the backemd app (link:- https://github.com/subhamengine/rentify-server)


  1. Go to rentify-server directory -
  2. Run npm install to install the packages.
  3. run nodemon index.js to run the backend locally.


  1. Go to rentify-client directory -

  2. Run npm install to install the packages

  3. make a .env file in the root directory and add - REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL = "localhost:5000"

  4. run the app npm start