
IntegralUI Web - Advanced User Interface Components for Angular 2

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IntegralUI Web for Angular 2

IntegralUI Web is a library built on top of Angular 2 framework. It consists of user interface components, directives and services that can help you create modern web applications.

Here is a brief overview of what is included:


Accordion - Displays a list of expandable groups in vertical layout

ComboBox - Advanced version of standard ComboBox element

GroupBox - An expandable container with header and content

ListBar - Displays a list of expandable groups with items

ListBox - Displays a collection of items with content in custom layouts

ListView - Displays a collection of items using several different views

Menu - Allows you to create static or dynamic menus

Paginator - Allows you to divide the content in multiple views in single page

SlideBar - Animates slides composed of custom content

TabStrip - Consists of multiple scrollable panels that share the same space

TreeList - Allows you to navigate through tree hierarchy showing only one list at a time

TreeView - Displays hierarchical data structures


ContextMenu - Represents a shortcut menu

Frame - Places a grip handle that allows you to resize a container during run-time

Range - Allows you to set limits in which an element can resize during run-time

Tooltip - Adds a tooltip to an element


Common - Includes a set of common functions usable in most applications

Data - Includes a set of data related functions for different operations like: add/remove, search, etc.

DragDrop - Provides a way to use drag drop operations between custom components or elements.

All components are inheritable, you can further extend functionalities of specific component by simple create a subclass of component main class. To get access to a specific component, the best way is to import the IntegralUIModule in your application.


IntegralUI Web requires only the following library:

Angular - v2.0 and above


Install the repository by running

npm install https://github.com/lidorsystems/integralui-web.git

Open your application module and add a reference to IntegralUI module

import { IntegralUIModule } from 'integralui-web/integralui.module';

  imports:      [ IntegralUIModule ],
  declarations: [ AppComponent ],
  bootstrap:    [ AppComponent ]
export class AppModule { }

If you are using SystemJS, make sure you have the following settings in systemjs.config.js file

    map: {
      'integralui-web': 'npm:integralui-web'
    packages: {
      'integralui-web': {
        defaultExtension: 'js'

Note In order to use a specific component or directive in your application, follow the guidelines from corresponding article. From above links, you can find a separate article available for each component or directive.

Release Notes

This is Trial version of the product, currently in BETA v0.5.0. All features are fully functional, except that each component displays a pop-up trial window.

License Information

You may use this version for the limited purposes of demonstrations, trials or design-time evaluations.

This project has been released under the IntegralUI Web License, and may not be used except in compliance with the License. A copy of the License should have been installed in the product's root installation directory or it can be found here: License Agreement.

This SOFTWARE is provided "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.