
Quora Scraper

Primary LanguagePython


Scrape quora questions with related questions and answers.

Adding topics from quora

Add topics of your choice(Eg. Bollywood) to the following files.Add exact topics from quora.


Steps to run with docker

You can use docker to run the scraper
Clone the repo
Install docker
Install docker-compose

cd quora_scraper
docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d

#View logs(logs are currently here and there a little working on it)
docker-compose logs --tail=10 (--tail == number of lines)

#Log-in to the container
docker exec -it <container name> bash

Running locally

If you want to run it on Mac to see how selenium works with the browser. You can use any one of Chromedriver or Geckodriver(Mozilla). Just comment the following lines in these two files. questions_scraper.py in function run_scraper. fetch_answer_and_related_questions.py in functions fetch_related_questions_and_links and run

Comment out these lines.

chrome_options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
driver = webdriver.Chrome(chrome_options=chrome_options)

Add any one of the following lines depending upon what driver you have.
For Chromediver add-
driver = webdriver.Chrome()

For geckodriver(Mozilla) add-
driver = webdriver.Firefox()

Then run these commands sequentially

python3 questions_scraper.py
python3 scrape_related_questions.py
python3 scrape_answers.py

Don't forget to add the executables of these webdrivers to path.(using docker is much easier)