
A template repository for flutter boilerplate

Primary LanguageDart

Boilerplate means:

boilerplate means a piece of code that can be used over and over again in a specifc part of an app, or to do the same operation, maybe with slight modifications.

In short word - you can understand boilerplate by reusable code that is used many places in to project.

Purpose of using Boilerplate in flutter :

  1. Using global and centrelize code base
  2. Avoiding unnecessary code from project
  3. Centralized place to manage your application’s colors/branding
  4. Centralized place to manage your application’s constants/url/keys
  5. Logically & Naturally organized files & folders:
  • api – hold all your common api concerns (ApiBaseHelper, ApiResponse, AppException)
  • blocs – hold all your blocs (Streams – provide data to the views. relate to controllers)
  • models – hold all your models (relate to models )
  • repositories – hold all your repositories (CRUD operations)
  • responses – hold all your responses
  • utils – hold all your utility files
  • views – hold all your views/ui (relate to views )
  • partials – hold all your commonly used widgets (ApiError, Loading)

Features of this Boilerplate Repository:

  1. Form validation
  2. Multiple language support localisation
  3. Global theme with persistence in storage
  4. Exported modules
  5. Bottom navigation with persistence in storage
  6. Service classes (Connectivity Service , Storage Service and http service)
  7. Logger Utility
  8. Dependency Injector
  9. Modal sheet
  10. App Data Source
  11. App data repository
  12. Response handling
  13. Navigation handling with auto route
  14. Form validation
  15. Dynamic theming