flutter image management


Table of contents

Check the UI of the entire app

Check the UI of all the app screens from a single place by setting up the 'initialRoute'  to AppNavigation in the AppRoutes.dart file.

Application structure

├── android                         - It contains files required to run the application on an Android platform.
├── assets                          - It contains all images and fonts of your application.
├── ios                             - It contains files required to run the application on an iOS platform.
├── lib                             - Most important folder in the application, used to write most of the Dart code..
    ├── main.dart                   - Starting point of the application
    ├── app      
    │   ├── app.dart                - Widget for material App, theme & route setting
    │   ├── constants               - Widget for registring providers│
    ├── core
    │   ├── app_export.dart         - It contains commonly used file imports
    │   ├── constants               - It contains static constant class file
    │   └── utils                   - It contains common files and utilities of the application
    ├── presentation                - It contains widgets of the screens 
    ├── state                       - It contains the state of all widgets and app 
    ├── routes                      - It contains all the routes of the application
    └── theme                       - It contains app theme and decoration classes
    └── widgets                     - It contains all custom widget classes

How to format your code?

  • if your code is not formatted then run following command in your terminal to format code
    dart format .

How you can improve code readability?

Resolve the errors and warnings that are shown in the application.

Libraries and tools used


Contact me on following platform -

  1. https://subhash-dev-ca050.web.app/
  2. https://www.linkedin.com/in/subhashcs/
  3. subhashchandras7318@gmail.com
  4. https://github.com/subhashDev11/