
Frontend Repo of API fest

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Your personal budget tracking app.

💡 Features

  • Created personal dashboard for the user to have detail overview of their budget
  • User can set their target income and savings for future comparison
  • User can set their income and expenses and the balance will get updated
  • User can compare their target income and expenses with the actual curren income and expenses with the help of chart
  • User can see their cashflow statement and even can download the statement as a pdf

🏃‍♀️ Run the project :

  • do npm install in terminal in the root directory
  • do npm start in the terminal, the React App will be running on localhost:3000
  • Now your good to go !!

💻 Working of Btracker


This is the landing page of Btracker App. The user has to signup/login to move to his/her personal dashboard to use the features.



The user has to register an account on Btracker using his/her name, email and password.



After successful registration/signup, the user has to login to the platform using his/her email and password.
