
scraping notice and notification from SOA website.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


The SOA-Notice-Scrapper is a tool designed to automate the process of retrieving and organizing notices from the Siksha 'O' Anusandhan (SOA) University's website. This project aims to help students and staff stay updated with the latest announcements without the need to manually check the website.


  • Automated Notice Retrieval: The tool regularly checks the SOA University's notice board and downloads new notices.
  • Organization and Storage: Notices are sorted by date and category, making it easy to find specific information.
  • Notification System: Users can opt to receive notifications whenever a new notice is posted.

How It Works

The SOA-Notice-Scrapper uses web scraping techniques to extract information from the SOA University's online notice board. It then organizes this information and stores it for easy access.


  1. Install the necessary packages using npm:
    npm i
  2. Run the application:
    node index.js


This tool is intended for use by students, staff, and other stakeholders of SOA University who want a convenient way to stay informed about university announcements.