Open google-->serach for How to manage Conda Environment

From the Anaconda Terminal,Type the below commands

conda list

pip list

conda install pandas numpy matplotlib

conda remove pandas numpy matplotlib

pip install pandas numpy matplotlib

pip uninstall pandas numpy matplotlib

python -- version ex: 3.9.12

create a new environment

conda create -n testenv2 python=3.9.12

conda activate testenv2

conda env list

pip list

pip freeze

sometimes all the needed modules will be given in a file ,for ex: requirements.txt

touch requirements.txt



pip install -r requirements.txt

All packages will be installed

Removing any virtual environment

conda remove --name testenv2 --all

where "testenv2" is the env we want to remove

conda deactivate testenv3

Export your env to a .yml file

conda env export > environment.yml

cat environment.yml

Sometimes you get .yml file out of it you have to create a environment

conda env create -f environment.yml

conda activate testenv3

conda list