Manage virtualbox with VBoxManage

List all VMS

VBoxManage list vms

List of Running VMs

VBoxManage list runningvms

To start the VM

VBoxManage startvm <VMNAME> --type headless

To shutdown the VM

VBoxManage controlvm <VMNAME> acpipowerbutton

Restart VM

VBoxManage controlvm "<VM-ID>" reset

Check Remote Display settings

  • For a particular VM
     VBoxManage showvminfo <VMNAME> | grep "VRDE"
  • For all VMS
     for vm in $(VBoxManage list vms | awk -F'"' '{print $2}'); do echo "VM Name: $vm"; VBoxManage showvminfo "$vm" | grep "VRDE"; echo "------------------"; done

List forwarded VM ports

  • For a particular VM
     VBoxManage showvminfo <VMNAME> --machinereadable | grep 'Forwarding'
  • For all VMS
     for vm in $(VBoxManage list vms | awk -F'"' '{print $2}'); do echo "VM Name: $vm"; VBoxManage showvminfo "$vm" | grep 'Forwarding'; echo "------------------"; done

Add Remote Display settings

  • For a particular VM
     VBoxManage modifyvm <VMNAME> --vrde on
     VBoxManage modifyvm <VMNAME> --vrdeport <VM-VRDE-PORT>

Delete VM with all files

VBoxManage unregistervm "<VM-ID>" --delete