Weight Fixing Networks

This repo contains the Pytorch + Lightning code to apply the method proposed in 'Weight Fixing Networks' an accepted paper in ECCV 2022.

Quantized Model Saves

Below we link to the quantised model saves quoted in the results section of the paper.

Model δ Unique Param Count Entropy Acc Link
ResNet-18 0.0075 193 4.15 70.3 link
ResNet-18 0.01 164 3.01 69.7 link
ResNet-18 0.015 90 2.72 67.3 link
ResNet-34 0.0075 233 3.87 73.0 link
ResNet-34 0.01 164 3.48 72.6 link
ResNet-34 0.015 117 2.83 72.2  link
ResNet-50 0.0075 261 4.11 76.0 link
ResNet-50 0.01 199 4.00 75.4 link
ResNet-50 0.015 125 3.55 75.1 link

To Run

  1. First make sure you have installed the requirements found in requirements.txt

  2. If you want to run the ImageNet experiments, you'll need to update the data_dir (see - Setting ImageNet file locations)

  3. Now just run python pretrained_model_experiments.py with any options arguments you wish to change from:

Optional arguments:

#c5f015 --distance_allowed : δ in the paper

#c5f015 --percentages : the percentage of weights clustered in each iteration

#c5f015 --optimizer : training optimizer

#c5f015 --experiment_name: used to save tb logs and model saves

#c5f015 --scheduler : the learning rate scheduler

#c5f015 -- lr : the learning rate

#c5f015 --first_epoch : the number of training iterations before any clustering (set to zero for pre-trained models)

#c5f015 --fixing_epochs : the number of training epochs within a single clustering iteration (3 was used in the paper)

#c5f015 --model : the name of the model to train see get_model() for a list of out-the-box supported dataset-model combinations

#c5f015 --dataset : the dataset to train on, currently we support CIFAR-10 and Imagenet

#c5f015 --zero_distance : $\gamma_0$ in the paper, any abs weight less than this will be set to zero and prunned

#c5f015 --regularisation_ratio : the weighting of the $\mathcal{L}_{reg}$ term

#c5f015 --bn_inc : whether to quantize batch-norm layers

#c5f015 --resume : if continuing training, set this to the iteration you wish to continue from

#c5f015 --calculation_type: the distance type you want to use, relative and euclidean supported

Applying WFN to Different Types of Models

To add new models for WFN quantisation, go to the get_model function within pre_trained_model_experiments.py and follow the format. Once added here, the new model will automatically be converted in a weight_fix_base which contains all the functionality needed to apply the clustering.

def get_model(model_name, data):
    """ Here is where the models are defined, if you would like to use a new model, you can insert it into here """

    if model_name == 'conv4':
        model = All_Conv_4()
        model = model.load_from_checkpoint(checkpoint_path="Pretrained_Models/PyTorch_CIFAR10/cifar10_models/state_dicts/all_conv4")

    if model_name == 'resnet18' and data == 'cifar10':
        model = resnet18(pretrained=True)

    if model_name == 'resnet34' and data == 'imnet':
        model = models.resnet34(pretrained=True)

Setting ImageNet File Locations

Go to the ImageNet module within Datasets/imagenet.py and edit the line self.data_dir to point to your imagenet data directory.

class ImageNet_Module(pl.LightningDataModule):
        def __init__(self, data_dir = 'Datasets/', shuffle_pixels=False, shuffle_labels=False, random_pixels=False):
                self.data_dir = 'Your data directory here'
                self.mean = [0.485, 0.456, 0.406]
                self.std = [0.229, 0.224, 0.225]
                self.normalise = transforms.Normalize(mean=self.mean, std=self.std)
                self.transform = self.transform_select(shuffle_pixels, random_pixels)
                self.test_trans = self.test_transform()
                self.target_transform = self.target_transform_select(shuffle_labels)
                self.targets = 1000
                self.dims = (3,224,224)
                self.bs = 64