
A curated list of delightful Vorpal extensions.

Awesome Vorpal Awesome

A curated list of delightful Vorpal-based projects and extensions.

Vorpal is Node's first framework for building immersive CLI applications.

Inspired by the awesome list thing.

Table of Contents




Awesome projects and applications built using Vorpal.

  • Cash - Cross-platform Linux commands without the suck.
  • Raptor - Performance testing CLI for Firefox developers.
  • iTunes-remote - Control iTunes on the CLI.
  • phunt - Acess Product Hunt on the CLI. Trended on (you guessed it) Product Hunt.
  • trelew - Access Trello on the CLI.
  • wat - Community-built docs for every language, platform and library.
  • metronome - A live metronome on the CLI.
  • fastack - A zero-config tool that makes developing client-side apps easy.
  • cbcluster - CLI for Couchbase Server Clusters.
  • quotr - View stock exchange quotes.
  • Vantage - CLI + SSH + REPL for your live Node app.
  • birdknife - A full featured Twitter CLI.


Extensions add to the functionality of Vorpal - programmatically or live.

POSIX implementations

  • less - Implementation of the less command.
  • grep - Implementation of the grep command.

Development tools

  • repl - Drops your CLI into a REPL within your app's context.
  • tour - Build an interactive tour for your Vorpal app.
  • watch - Updates your live Vorpal extensions in realtime.
  • log - Advanced logging utility.
  • set-or-print - Easily set / get arguments with commands.


  • use - Import Vorpal extensions live: while your app is running.


  • hacker-news - Pulls the top trending items from Hacker News.


  • rc - Simple .rc file support.
  • comment - Bash-like comment support.


Contributions welcome! Read the contribution guidelines first.



To the extent possible under law, David Caccavella has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.