
Copy does not work: copied 0 bytes

spachner opened this issue · 6 comments


while having installed “Emacs Pro Essentials” copy via CMD-C does not work reliable. Every now an then copy fails and the previous copyied string will be pasted instead of the last one. I can watch the fail in status bar, then “copied 0 bytes” is displayed. I can repeat pressing CMD-C until “copied X bytes” is displayed and paste works as expected.

When using the emacs shortcut ALT-W instead of CMD-C pasting works perfectly. Seems to be a problem with the package “Emacs Pro Essentials”. Is this known, how to solve?

Using MacOS 10.15.6, Sublime 3.2.2/3211




thanks for answering. Yes, copy from edit menu (menu bar) always works. Just noticed, that the status bar content is also differnent after executing the command.

Status line:

  • CMD-C: "Copied x byte in 1 region, Line y, Column z"
  • Copy from menu bar: "Line y, Column z, Copied x charactes"



I am not sure what to say about this.

The emacs plugin uses the emacs "region" when you issue ctrl+w or alt+w. The Copy menu command uses whatever the current selection is.

So I kinda think you're mixing the two worlds unfortunately.

OK, I understand: standard copy/paste via CMD-C/CMD-V is not interchangeable with emacs ALT-W/CTRL-Y. This is acceptable.

What I still do not understand why the standard copy/paste via CMD-C/V works sometimes and sometimes not.

I make a selection by mouse, press CMD-C and sometimes nothing is copied. The fail can be observed when status line states "Copied 0 byte in 1 region, Line y, Column z"

Must be an interference with the emacs plugin. Hope the issue can be solved somewhow.



looks good, not copy problems anymore today.

Many thanks!

