
Convenience package for anakin-language-server

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This is a helper package that automatically installs and updates the Anakin Language Server for you.

To use this package, you must have the LSP package installed as well.

Applicable Selectors

This language server operates on views with the source.python base scope.

Installation Location

The server is installed in the $DATA/Cache/LSP-anakin directory, where $DATA is the base data path of Sublime Text. For instance, $DATA is ~/.config/sublime-text on a Linux system. If you want to force a re-installation of the server, you can delete the entire $DATA/Cache/LSP-anakin directory. The installation is done through a virtual environment, using pip. Therefore, you must have at least the python executable installed and it must be present in your $PATH.

Like any helper package, installation starts when you open a view that is suitable for this language server. In this case, that means that when you open a view with the source.python base scope, installation commences.


Configure the Python Language Server by accessing Preferences > Package Settings > LSP > Servers > LSP-anakin.

Code Completion

This language server provides code completion through JEDI.

Signature Help

This language server provides signature help through JEDI.


This language server provides "goto definition" through JEDI.

Find References

This language server provides "find references" through JEDI.


This language server provides "rename word/symbol" through JEDI.

Code Actions

This language server can inline variables for you with a code action.


The default linters used are pycodestyle and pyflakes. You can optionally enable mypy. This language server starts linting after you save a view.


The formatter is yapf.

Sublime Text Plugin Development

By default, the environment of pyls is adjusted so that the PYTHONPATH includes the directory where sublime.py and sublime_plugin.py live, as well as the $DATA/Packages directory. This enables accurate code completion for these files.