
⚡️ Laravel components that take care of one specific task

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Laravel Actions

⚡️ Laravel components that take care of one specific task

This package introduces a new way of organising the logic of your Laravel applications by focusing on the actions your application provide.

Similarly to how VueJS components regroup HTML, JavaScript and CSS together, Laravel Actions regroup the authorisation, validation and execution of a task in one class that can be used as an invokable controller, as a plain object, as a dispatchable job and as an event listener.

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composer require lorisleiva/laravel-actions

Table of content

Basic usage

Create your first action using php artisan make:action PublishANewArticle and fill the authorisation logic, the validation rules and the handle method. Note that the authorize and rules methods are optional and default to true and [] respectively.

// app/Actions/PublishANewArticle.php
class PublishANewArticle extends Action
    public function authorize()
        return $this->user()->hasRole('author');
    public function rules()
        return [
            'title' => 'required',
            'body' => 'required|min:10',
    public function handle()
        return Article::create($this->validated());

You can now start using that action in multiple ways:

As a plain object.

$action = new PublishANewArticle([
    'title' => 'My blog post',
    'body' => 'Lorem ipsum.',

$article = $action->run();

As a dispatchable job.

    'title' => 'My blog post',
    'body' => 'Lorem ipsum.',

As an event listener.

class ProductCreated
    public $title;
    public $body;
    public function __construct($title, $body)
        $this->title = $title;
        $this->body = $body;

Event::listen(ProductCreated::class, PublishANewArticle::class);

event(new ProductCreated('My new SaaS application', 'Lorem Ipsum.'));

As an invokable controller.

// routes/web.php
Route::post('articles', '\App\Actions\PublishANewArticle');

If you need to specify an explicit HTTP response for when an action is used as a controller, you can define the response method which provides the result of the handle method as the first argument.

class PublishANewArticle extends Action
    // ...
    public function response($article)
        return redirect()->route('article.show', $article);

Action’s attributes

In order to unify the various forms an action can take, the data of an action is implemented as a set of attributes (similarly to models).

This means when interacting with an instance of an Action, you can manipulate its attributes with the following methods:

$action = new Action(['key' => 'value']);   // Initialise an action with the provided attribute.
$action->fill(['key' => 'value']);          // Merge the new attributes with the existing attributes.
$action->all();                             // Retrieve all attributes of an action as an array.
$action->only('title', 'body');             // Retrieve only the attributes provided.
$action->except('body');                    // Retrieve all attributes excepts the one provided.
$action->has('title');                      // Whether the action has the provided attribute.
$action->get('title');                      // Get an attribute.
$action->get('title', 'Untitled');          // Get an attribute with default value.
$action->set('title', 'My blog post');      // Set an attribute.
$action->title;                             // Get an attribute.
$action->title = 'My blog post';            // Set an attribute.

Depending on how an action is ran, its attributes are filled with the relevant information available. For example, as a controller, an action’s attributes will contain all of the input from the request. For more information see:

Dependency injections

The handle method support dependency injections. That means, whatever arguments you enter in the handle method, Laravel Actions will try to resolve them from the container but also from its own attributes. Let’s have a look at some examples.

// Resolved from the IoC container.
public function handle(Request $request) {/* ... */}
public function handle(MyService $service) {/* ... */}

// Resolved from the attributes.
// -- $title and $body are equivalent to $action->title and $action->body
// -- When attributes are missing, null will be returned unless a default value is provided.
public function handle($title, $body) {/* ... */}
public function handle($title, $body = 'default') {/* ... */}

// Resolved from the attributes using route model binding.
// -- If $action->comment is already an instance of Comment, it provides it.
// -- If $action->comment is an id, it will provide the right instance of Comment from the database or fail.
// -- This will also update $action->comment to be that instance.
public function handle(Comment $comment) {/* ... */}

// They can all be combined.
public function handle($title, Comment $comment, MyService $service) {/* ... */}

As you can see, both the action’s attributes and the IoC container are used to resolve dependency injections. When a matching attribute is type-hinted, the library will do its best to provide an instance of that class from the value of the attribute.


The authorize method

Actions can define their authorisation logic using the authorize method. It will throw a AuthorizationException whenever this method returns false.

public function authorize()
    // Your authorisation logic here...

It is worth noting that, just like the handle method, the authorize method supports dependency injections.

The user and actingAs methods

If you want to access the authenticated user from an action you can simply use the user method.

public function authorize()
    return $this->user()->isAdmin();

When ran as a controller, the user is fetched from the incoming request, otherwise $this->user() is equivalent to Auth::user().

If you want to run an action acting on behalf of another user you can use the actingAs method. In this case, the user method will always return the provided user.


The can method

If you’d still like to use Gates and Policies to externalise your authorisation logic, you can use the can method to verify that the user can perform the provided ability.

public function authorize()
    return $this->can('create', Article::class);


Just like in Request classes, you can defined your validation logic using the rules and withValidator methods.

The rules method enables you to list validation rules for your action’s attributes.

public function rules()
    return [
        'title' => 'required',
        'body' => 'required|min:10',

The withValidator method provide a convenient way to add custom validation logic.

public function withValidator($validator)
    $validator->after(function ($validator) {
        if ($this->somethingElseIsInvalid()) {
            $validator->errors()->add('field', 'Something is wrong with this field!');

If all you want to do is add an after validation hook, you can use the afterValidator method instead of the withValidator method. The following example is equivalent to the one above.

public function afterValidator($validator)
    if ($this->somethingElseIsInvalid()) {
        $validator->errors()->add('field', 'Something is wrong with this field!');

It is worth noting that, just like the handle method, the withValidator and afterValidator methods support dependency injections.

If you want to validate some data directly within the handle method, you can use the validate method.

public function handle()
        'comment' => 'required|min:10|spamfree',

This will validate the provided rules against the action’s attributes.

Access validated data

If you want to access all attributes that have been validated prior to reaching the handle method, you can use $this->validated() instead of $this->all().

public function rules()
    return ['title' => 'min:3'];

public function handle()
    // Will only return attributes that have been validated be the above rules.

Customise validation texts

You can customise the validation texts using the messages and attributes methods.

public function messages()
    return [];

public function attributes()
    return [];

Actions as objects

How are attributes filled?

When running actions as plain PHP objects, their attributes have to be filled manually using the various helper methods mentioned above. For example:

$action = new PublishANewArticle;
$action->title = 'My blog post';
$action->set('body', 'Lorem ipsum.');

Note that the run method also accepts additional attributes to be merged.

(new PublishANewArticle)->run([
    'title' => 'My blog post',
    'body' => 'Lorem ipsum.',

Alternatively, you can run a action like a function call.

(new PublishANewArticle)([
    'title' => 'My blog post',
    'body' => 'Lorem ipsum.',

Actions as jobs

How are attributes filled?

Similarly to actions as objects, attributes are filled manually when you dispatch the action.

    'title' => 'My blog post',
    'body' => 'Lorem ipsum.',

Queueable actions

Just like jobs, actions can be queued by implementing the ShouldQueue interface.

use Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\ShouldQueue;

class PublishANewArticle extends Action implements ShouldQueue
    // ...

Note that you can also use the dispatchNow method to force a queueable action to be executed immediately.

Actions as listeners

How are attributes filled?

By default, all of the event’s public properties will be used as attributes.

class ProductCreated
    public $title;
    public $body;
    // ...

You can override that behaviour by defining the getAttributesFromEvent.

// Event
class ProductCreated
    public $product;

// Listener
class PublishANewArticle extends Action
    public function getAttributesFromEvent($event)
        return [
            'title' => '[New product] ' . $event->product->title,
            'body' => $event->product->description,

This can also work with events defined as strings.

// Event
Event::listen('product_created', PublishANewArticle::class);

// Dispatch
event('product_created', ['My SaaS app', 'Lorem ipsum']);

// Listener
class PublishANewArticle extends Action
    public function getAttributesFromEvent($title, $description)
        return [
            'title' => "[New product] $title",
            'body' => $description,

    // ...

Actions as controllers

How are attributes filled?

By default, all input data from the request and the route parameters will be used to fill the action’s attributes.

You can change this behaviour by overriding the getAttributesFromRequest method. This is its default implementation:

public function getAttributesFromRequest(Request $request)
    return array_merge(

Note that, since we’re merging two sets of data together, a conflict is possible when a variable is defined on both sets. As you can see, by default, the request’s data takes priority over the route’s parameters. However, when resolving dependencies for the handle method’s argument, the route parameters will take priority over the request’s data.

That means in case of conflict, you can access the route parameter as a method argument and the request’s data as an attribute. For example:

// Route endpoint: PATCH /comments/{comment}
// Request input: ['comment' => 'My updated comment']
public function handle(Comment $comment)
    $comment;        // <- Comment instance matching the given id.
    $this->comment;  // <- 'My updated comment'

Defining routes with actions

Because your actions are located by default in the \App\Action namespace and not the \App\Http\Controller namespace, you have to provide the full qualified name of the action if you want to define them in your routes/web.php or routes/api.php files.

// routes/web.php
Route::post('articles', '\App\Actions\PublishANewArticle');

Note that the initial \ here is important to ensure the namespace does not become \App\Http\Controller\App\Actions\PublishANewArticle.

Alternatively you can place them in a group that re-defines the namespace.

// routes/web.php
Route::namespace('\App\Actions')->group(function () {
    Route::post('articles', 'PublishANewArticle');

Laravel Actions provides a Route macro that does exactly this:

// routes/web.php
Route::actions(function () {
    Route::post('articles', 'PublishANewArticle');

Another solution would be to create a new route file routes/action.php and register it in your RouteServiceProvider.

// app/Providers/RouteServiceProvider.php

// routes/action.php
Route::post('articles', 'PublishANewArticle');

Registering middleware

You can register middleware using the middleware method.

public function middleware()
    return ['auth'];

Returning HTTP responses

It is good practice to let the action return a value that makes sense for your domain. For example, the article that was just created or the filtered list of topics that we are searching for.

However, you might want to wrap that value into a proper HTTP response when the action is being ran as a controller. You can use the response method for that. It provides the result of the handle method as first argument and the HTTP request as second argument.

public function response($result, $request)
    return view('articles.index', [
        'articles' => $result,

If you want to return distinctive responses for clients that require HTML and clients that require JSON, you can respectively use the htmlResponse and jsonResponse methods.

public function htmlResponse($result, $request)
    return view('articles.index', [
        'articles' => $result,

public function jsonResponse($result, $request)
    return ArticleResource::collection($result);

Keeping track of how an action was ran

The runningAs method

In some rare cases, you might want to know how the action is being ran. You can access this information using the runningAs method.

public function handle()

    // Returns true of any of them is true.
    $this->runningAs('object', 'job');

The before hooks

If you want to execute some code only when the action is ran as a certain type, you can use the before hooks asObject, asJob, asListener and asController.

public function asController(Request $request)
    $this->token = $request->cookie('token');

It is worth noting that, just like the handle method, the before hooks support dependency injections .

Also note that these before hooks will be called right before the handle method is executed and not when the action is being created. This means you cannot use the asController method to register your middleware. You need to use the register method instead.

Use actions within actions

With Laravel Actions you can easily call actions within actions.

As you can see in the following example, we use another action as an object in order to access its result.

class CreateNewRestaurant extends Action
    public function handle()
        $coordinates = (new FetchGoogleMapsCoordinates)->run([
            'address' => $this->address,

        return Restaurant::create([
            'name' => $this->name,
            'longitude' => $coordinates->longitude,
            'latitude' => $coordinates->latitude,

However, you might sometimes want to delegate completely to another action. That means the action we delegate to should have the same attributes and run as the same type as the parent action. You can achieve this using the delegateTo method.

For example, let’s say you have three actions UpdateProfilePicture, UpdatePassword and UpdateProfileDetails that you want to use in a single endpoint.

class UpdateProfile extends Action
    public function handle()
        if ($this->has('avatar')) {
            return $this->delegateTo(UpdateProfilePicture::class);

        if ($this->has('password')) {
            return $this->delegateTo(UpdatePassword::class);

        return $this->delegateTo(UpdateProfileDetails::class);

In the above example, if we are running the UpdateProfile action as a controller, then the sub actions will also be ran as controllers.

It is worth noting that the delegateTo method is implemented using the createFrom and runAs methods.

// These two lines are equivalent.