
cant upload files

ippocratis opened this issue · 4 comments

so i managed to Install myDrive on my raspberry pi 400 running manjaro arm sway.
my flow was:
install Node Modules,
Run the build,
Create Environment Variables through webUI,
Rebuild the project,
create webui encryption key,
build docker with mongodb included,
Start the Docker Image,

istalling the node modules and running the build throw some errors (i dont recall them sorry) but nothing fatal build ended succesfully

in my docker-variables.env i dont use ssl for now coz i coudnt make that work(i have valid lets encrypt certs for my ddns but those are in .pem format and not sure how to add the .cert files but thatts another story brobably not related with my issue)

so i can login and navigate to mydrive at localhost:3000, ip:3000 and even http://ddns:3000 and able to create and move folders
following logs with docker logs --follow container_id and whenever i try to upload anything i get an error

Uploading File Error File Route: Await Stream Input Error
Could not remove fs file [Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, unlink '/home/ippo/myDrive/data7ab031d5-ebab-48f0-bc9d-b62f593fabf7'] {
  errno: -2,
  code: 'ENOENT',
  syscall: 'unlink',
  path: '/home/ippo/myDrive/data7ab031d5-ebab-48f0-bc9d-b62f593fabf7'

in path i see 7ab031d5-ebab-48f0-bc9d-b62f593fabf7
i dont know whatt that is
given .env path was /home/ippo/myDrive/data

any ideas apreciated

true my path was missing the slash in the end
fixed that in the .env file under FS_DIRECTORY= and ROOT= and run
docker-compose up -d
but problem remains the same

Uploading File Error File Route: Await Stream Input Error
Could not remove fs file [Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, unlink '/home/ippo/myDrive/data/fba07e89-599a-4868-94dc-197e3a02722f'] {
  errno: -2,
  code: 'ENOENT',
  syscall: 'unlink',
  path: '/home/ippo/myDrive/data/fba07e89-599a-4868-94dc-197e3a02722f'

damn looks like i had to remove path from FS_DIRECTORY=
i had it both in ROOT and FS_DIRECTORY=

you can close this