% MUTTRULEZ(1) | Version 0 % % 2017-07-04
Email rule engine for mutt users. Use from cron to run rules automatically.
Supports IMAP for reading and whatever mutt uses for sending.
Takes IMAP config from ~/.muttrc
muttrulez [OPTIONS]
muttrulez [OPTIONS] <config>
-u Run unit-tests, as defined at the beginning of the muttrulez script
-h Print help text
Reads rule configuration from ~/.muttrulez
by default, or from config file
supplied on command line. The config format is YAML.
The config contains a list of rules, each with 3 mandatory fields:
, search
, steps
Look for emails from foo@bar.hu with PDF attachments, save them in ~/Downloads
if PDF contains text 'Eggs', forward it to baz@spam.com
with default email text
body, flag such emails with $Forwarded
Archive emails older than 6 months to folder 'Old'.
The example illustrates diverse YAML styles, as accepted by YAML::XS
- name: Forward PDF
FROM: foo@bar.hu
- { action: accept, type: attachment, mime: application/pdf, save: ~/Downloads }
- { action: accept, type: pipegrep, cmd: pdftotext _ -, regex: Eggs }
- action: accept
type: email
to: baz@spam.com
attach: _
text: |
Hi Baz,
PDF with Eggs forwarded.
Yours Truly, Me
- { type: add_flags, flag: $Forwarded }
- name: Archive
- { action: accept, type: move, folder: old }
The search field contains a hash with IMAP compliant fields as keys. See RFC3501 http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3501.txt section 6.4.4 for search keys.
Each rule has a flat list of steps, which process all your conditions and actions.
Each step returns a list of values internally, depending on the type.
Each step in turn takes the return list of the previous step,
which you can refer to as the _
The action
field of each step determines whether to continue processing
further steps:
- accept: continue to next step if step returned list, otherwise stop rule
- reject: stop rule if step returned list, otherwise continue to next step, pass 1
Each step has a manadatory type
field, plus zero or more type-dependent
extra fields.
Continue or abort on certain IMAP flags found on email.
- flag: IMAP flag you're looking for
Returns: the specified flag if found on email, or nothing
Searches for and optionally saves attachments of certain types.
- mime: MIME type of attachment you're looking for
- save: folder to save file permanently, optional
Returns: filenames of matching attachments
Run a program for each element in input, search regex in its STDOUT
- cmd: command line to run, refer to input element with
- regex: pattern to search for in command's STDOUT
Returns: input elements for which pattern was found in command's STDOUT
Send email using mutt.
- to: email address
- attach: filename or
to attach input list of filees - subject: optional, processed email's is used when missing
- text: text of email body
Returns: 1 if mutt sends email successfully
Set flags for emails
- flag: flag name to set
Returns: 1 on success
Delete flags for emails
- flag: flag name to set
Returns: 1 on success
Copy email to IMAP folder
- folder: IMAP folder name
Returns: 1 on success
Move email to IMAP folder
- folder: IMAP folder name
Returns: 1 on success
Delete email
Returns: 1 on success