
Custom ESP8266 Firmware for SubPos Nodes Based on esp_iot_sdk_v1.3.0_15_08_08

This release uses the wifi_send_pkt_freedom() function to generate beacon frames instead of using the AP mode. These commands are the same as the regular AT commands, except they utilise the beacon generator instead.

Note that these command doesn't remain persistant on reboots of the ESP module to reduce flash rewrites when using with the SubPos Node. With this firmware, you must update the ESP configuration on each reboot. If you want just a basic setup, the standard AT firmware from Espressif can be used as per the instructions here -

AT+CWSAPID: Set parameters of beacon generator. SSID must be 8 -> 31 chars. AT+CWSAPID="[ssid]",[channel num]

AT+CWSAPCH: Change beacon channel. AT+CWSAPCH=[channel num]

AT+CWSAPBR: Change beacon rate. Number of time units (1TU = 1024ms) AT+CWSAPBR=[delay time units]

AT+CWSAPEN: Enable beacons (disabled by default). AT+CWSAPEN

AT+CWSAPDS: Disable beacons. AT+CWSAPDS

This method of generation allows for tighter control of beacon frame rates and increases security.