eCommerceApp with the JetPack compose with Use-Case , MVI desing pattern

Android eCommerce Demo application buidl using the clean architectured

The following mock server apis are used to demonstrate the eCommerce applicatoin

The below are the layer for separation of concerns and demonstration

  • Compose - > Material Compose for the later resposive UI patterns with Uni Directiond Flow desing pattern
  • ViewModel : with MVI Patterns having the STATE which is the single point of data modiction the Screen state
  • Use case layer / Domain : Layer : Layer between Presentation and Data responsible Business logic of the application with the single responsibility of all the use cases well defined.
  • Mappers : To map DTO to Domain /UI Models any time the data source is chagens its easy to switch to new data source with out any change to the Presentation layer
  • Data Layer : Single source of truth is the repository pattern which connect with different data source (local/remote) and aggregate the response and send to the upper layer.

The Clean architecture provides strong benifits for the large enterprice application like media , OTT, banking and eCommerce etc.

  • Scalability : As each layer separated their own concerns and resposibilities its easy bring new feature or new module which can easily scale.
  • Testability.: Each layer can be tested indepently , the Data and Domin can be tested on JVM as its completed written in JVM apis which can be tested wiht out running applicaton
  • Maintainabilit : Easy to maintain in the large scale appplication .

The following are the tech stack

  • Kotlin -
  • Android KTX -
  • AndroidX -
  • Viewmodel -
  • Kotlin Coroutines -
  • Retrofit
  • GSON -
  • Hilt -
  • Navigation Components
  • Logging Interceptor
  • Mockito Kotlin
  • OkHttp3
  • Material Compose ed. Whether you're building a small app or a massive enterprise system, Material Compose has everything you need to take your UI to the next level
