
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

RTSP Package

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RTSP Client. Requires OpenCV-Python


  • fetch a single image as Pillow Image

  • open RTSP stream and poll most recent frame as Pillow Image

  • preview stream in OpenCV

  • Robustness

    • configurable number of frames to allow dropped
    • configure time to retry creating a new connection


Client(rtsp_server_uri, drop_frame_limit=15, retry_connection=TRUE, verbose = TRUE)


One-off Retrieval

import rtsp
client = rtsp.Client(rtsp_server_uri = 'rtsp://...')

Stream Preview

import rtsp
with rtsp.Client('rtsp://...') as client:

Continuous Retrieval

import rtsp

with rtsp.Client(rtsp_server_uri = 'rtsp://...',drop_frame_limit=10) as client:
    _image = client.read()

    while True:
        _image = client.read()

Verbose mode

In [1]: import rtsp
In [2]: client = rtsp.Client()
Connected to RTSP video source rtsp://
In [3]: client.preview()
In [4]: client.close()
Dropped RTSP connection.
Received signal to stop.
In [5]: client.open()
Connected to RTSP video source rtsp://
In [6]: client.read().show()
Connected to RTSP video source rtsp://
In [7]: client.close()
Dropped RTSP connection.
Received signal to stop.


  • v1.0.0 - basic function relying on OpenCV or ffmpeg
  • v2.0.0 - lightweight native-Python implementation rtsp client functions
    • live stream reading & buffer
    • on-demand frame retrieval
  • v2.1.0 - native Python rtsp server functions