Website manager

I will update description later.



Register and get an API Key from Whois XML API: It is FREE (500 requests per month and that is enough).

Register slack webhooks for uptime notifications. Go here: & setup your slack. Get webhooks UR.

If you want to get a call when your monitor is down, twilo is already integrated. You just need to fill twilo auth keys, from & to numbers.

Let's start

Clone the project

git clone

Go to project

cd website-manager

Rename .env.example to .env & Add your WHOIS XML API key on WHOISXML_APIKEY variable. Also add your database info. Additionally, you can add SMTP information for get emails when website down or up. Save your slack webhook URL as well.

Install composer

composer install

Migrate database

php artisan migrate:fresh --seed

It will also create dummy user.

After doing all fo these, serve the application

php artisan serve

Setting up cron

We are using laravel schedule for manage cron jobs. You can enable cron by following this:

On local: Open two new tabs on terminal. Now run commands below on each tab:

php artisan schedule:work

On server: type command below

crontab -e

Add this two commands & save & exit.

* * * * * cd /path-to-your-project && php artisan schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1

Login information




This application made as learning purpose. Please don't make this comment when we meet face to face "Bhai ki sob noob code likhcen, abar vab nen apni birat programmer". Thank in advance.


Yes, you are welcome to do that. Please send me requests. Thank you.

Security Vulnerabilities

Bhaire, apnar server down hole amar kisu korar nai, swami bidesh.


The code is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.