
EXCEL Project : I have been hired by IMDB Movies, a movie featuring giant based on the United States to design and build an executive level BI solution from scratch.


EXCEL Project : I have been hired by IMDB Movies, a movie featuring giant based on the United States to design and build an executive level BI solution from scratch.

IMDB Movie Database Vizualization

This dynamic dashboard is representing the IMDB's Data in a Visually appealing manner due to the presence of various types of charts.

Dashobard Contents :->

  • Slicer : is basically a prettier version of a PivotTable filter, it works exactly the same way by filtering the data we see in our PivotTable and PivotCharts.
  • Timeline : works just like a Slicer – it’s just formatted to work specifically with Date & Time fields.
  • Histogram : Representing No of Titles w.r.t Genre. Displaying No of titles in the Rows and Genre in the Column.
  • Stacked Column : Representing Genre & Ratings w.r.t No of Titles. Displaying Genre & Ratings in the Rows and No of Titles in the column.
  • Stacked Area : Representing Gross Revenue w.r.t Years. Displaying Gross Revenue in the Rows and Year in the column.

IMDB Movie Dashboard

      1. The most no of movies produeced around the Globe are based on the Comedy Genre whereas the least no of movies are based on the Documentary Genre.
      2. The top 3 Movie Genres (Comedy,Action,Drama) are contributing more than 50% of the total movies produced.
      3. The most no of Movies produced in the Comedy Genre are usually 'R' Rated and the second most is 'PG-13' Rated.
      4. The most no of Movies produced in the Action Genre are usually 'PG-13' Rated and the second most is 'R' Rated.
      5. The most no of Movies produced in the Comedy Genre are usually 'R' Rated and the second most is 'PG-13' Rated.
      6. The revenue of the movie industry around the Globe is gradually increasing over the years and beside that from the Year 2012 -2014 the Movie industry was at it's peak in terms of Gross Revenue then seeing a slight decline.