
Primary LanguageJavaCreative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0

Hello Graal

This is a "Hello Graal" Java example for GraalVM.

The structure of the Hello package is like this: ::

com/ |-- hello | -- Graal.java |-- LICENSE |-- .gitignore |-- manifest.txt -- README.md

Install GraalVM

Enterprise Edition

Download GraalVM Enterprise

Unzip the download. For example on Linux run the following:

tar -zxvf graalvm-ee-java11-linux-amd64-20.2.0.tar.gz && rm graalvm-ee-java11-linux-amd64-20.2.0.tar.gz

Put GraalVM on the path:

export PATH=path/to/graal/bin:$PATH
java -version

Community Edition

On Oracle Linux or Red Hat:

sudo yum -y install graalvm20-ee-11-20.2.0-1.el7.x86_64
sudo yum -y install graalvm20-ee-11-native-image
java -version

On a Debian based Linux computer:

export GRAAL_ZIP=graalvm-ce-java11-linux-amd64-20.2.0.tar.gz
wget https://github.com/graalvm/graalvm-ce-builds/releases/download/vm-20.2.0/$GRAAL_ZIP
tar -zxvf $GRAAL_ZIP
export PATH=/root/graalvm-ce-java11-20.2.0/bin:$PATH
java -version
gu install native-image

Clone reposotory

git clone https://github.com/chrisbensen/HelloGraal
cd HelloGraal

Compile the code

To compile the main class, run the follow command: ::

javac -d build src/com/hello/Graal.java

This generates the Graal.class file into build/com/hello directory.

Run the class

To run the main class, run the follow command: ::

java -cp ./build com.hello.Graal

This shows the message hello graal.

Create a JAR file

Create a JAR for the application, run the follow command: ::

jar cfvm Hello.jar manifest.txt -C build .

jar tf Hello.jar

The output will be:


Run a JAR file

Run the JAR file: ::

java -jar Hello.jar

This shows the hello graal message.

Create a native image

Run the native-image command: ::

native-image -jar Hello.jar


  1. Creating a JAR File https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/deployment/jar/build.html_.

  2. Setting an Application's Entry Point <http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/deployment/jar/appman.html>_.

  3. How to create a GraalVM native-image <https://www.graalvm.org/reference-manual/native-image/>_.