
A framework to easily store and retrieve Name:Value pair Encrypted (NVE) data using Oracle PL/SQL.

MIT LicenseMIT

Welcome to nve! (Name:Value Encryption)

A framework to easily store and retrieve Name:Value pair Encrypted (NVE) data using Oracle PL/SQL. The goal of this project is to be able to easily persist sensitive information using the strongest encryption methods available. This project uses Oracle's dbms_crypto package to do the actual encryption using the 256-bit AES algorithm with Cipher Block Chaining and PKCS#5 compliant padding.

In it's simplest form, you are able to encrypt data with only the following code:

Simple encryption procedure call

  nve.encrypt ('applicationPassword','superSecretPassword!');

The data will be persisted in 3 tables: a lookup for the Name, a table to store 1/2 of the unique encryption key (aka the "salt") for each Name:Value pair and finally a table to store the encrypted Value data.

Retrieving the data is also very easy, take the following code as an example:

Simple decryption function call

set serveroutput on 
  v_password             varchar2(1000);
  v_password := nve.decrypt ('applicationPassword');
  dbms_output.put_line('My Password is '||v_password);

You may also add some metadata information to help identify the record on the lookup table (optional), with the following code example:

Extended Encryption procedure call with metadata

  nve.encrypt (p_name => 'appPassword',
               p_value => 'superSecretPassword!',
               p_grouping_name => 'TEST GROUP',
               p_usage_desc => 'This is the password for some external app that I need to call via pl/sql, but do not want to the password to be shown in cleartext as part of the query string that I am forming in the code'

Encryption Key

The key used in the dbms_crypto.encrypt for AES256 must be exactly 32 bytes. The key is broken into two 16 byte parts:

  • one 16 byte piece is written to the NVE_KEY table and the value is determined using dbms_crypto.randombytes. This portion of the key is unique for every name:value pair record that is created
  • one 16 byte piece is taken from global variable gv_salt_string in the package body.

Every implementation of this package should change the value in the gv_salt_string global variable with your own unique 16 byte string.

Database Objects

The following database objects must be installed as part of this package:


Name Description
NVE Package that does all the actual encryption and storing/pulling of data.


Name Description
NVE_DATA_ITEM_LKUP Stores the Name as well as any optional metadata that you decide to give as input. A sequence driven primary key is given to each record which is referenced by foreign keys in the other two tables.
NVE_DATA Stores encrypted Value data
NVE_KEY Stores 16 bytes of the 32 byte key used to encrypt the Value data


Name Description
UI1_NVE_DATA_ITEM_LKUP Index on Name data on NVE_DATA_ITEM_LKUP table
PK_NVE_DATA Primary Key for NVE_DATA table
PK_NVE_KEY Primary Key for NVE_KEY table


Name Description
NVE_DATA_ITEM_SEQ Used to produce primary key for NVE_DATA_ITEM_LKUP table