
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


helpful conf

--conf spark.sql.sources.partitionOverwriteMode=dynamic

1. Create spark session

import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
val spark = SparkSession.builder
.master("local[4]") 		// not need to set this in production, when not mentioned, it will refer to default config file
.config("spark.sql.warehouse.dir", "target/spark-warehouse") / not need to set this, it will refer to default config file
.config("spark.cores.max", "10") //cap executor. in standalone cluster, app will consume all core by default
.enableHiveSupport() //enables access to Hive metastore, Hive serdes, and Hive udfs.
import spark.implicits._
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{col,lit}

2. DataFrame basic Transformation

data/people.json   {"name":"jay","age",39},{"name":"Linsey","age",22}
val df = spark.read.json("data/people.json") //.read.option("header","true").csv("path")

// Filtering 
df.select("name", "age").filter("age > 30").show()  
//filter($"column" =!= ""  ) // AND(&&), OR(||), and NOT(!)    for df(column) syntax use === 

// SQL syntax filtering
filter(" name = 'kay' and id is not null or somecolum like '%str% ")
where (" name = 'kay' and id is not null ")

// Casting Column
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.IntegerType
df.select(df("colA").cast(IntegerType))  //equivalent to df.select(df("colA").cast("int"))

//https://spark.apache.org/docs/1.6.0/api/java/org/apache/spark/sql/ColumnName.html  ie. col.method
//for sql function that can take column name as input org.apache.spark.sql.functions ie. trim(col), initcap(col)

//Concatenate  with literal string
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{col,lit,concat}
select( concat( col("frst_nm") , lit(" "), col("lst_nm") ).alias("full_name") ) 

// using spark.sql selectExpr sql like sytax
df.selectExpr( "concat(frst_nm,' ',lst_nm) as full_name", " '001' as hard_code ").show

// Case when statement 
df.select($"name", $"age" + 1, $"name".isNull, $"name".substr(1,1).alias("Initial"), when($"age">30,"mid age").when($"age"<=30,"younge").otherwise("na").alias("age group")).show()

|  name|(age + 1)|(name IS NULL)|Initial|age group|
|   jay|       40|         false|      j|  mid age|
|Linsey|       23|         false|      L|   younge|

2.1. TempView and hiveCatalog

spark.sql("SELECT * FROM people where age > 21").show()

2.2. aggregation

val df_cnt = df.groupby("age").count()

2.2.1 CASE WHEN using expr : SQL syntax

import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{expr,sum}
df.agg( sum(expr("CASE WHEN x = 'Yes' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END" )).aliase("yes_cnt"), sum(xxxx)   )

2.3. Window function - find eldest person in a window partition/group

val df2 = df.withColumn("eldest_person_in_a_group", max("age") over Window.partitionBy("some_group")).filter($"age" === $"eldest_person_in_a_group")

// or use rank
val df2 = df.withColumn("eldest_person_in_a_group", rank() over Window.partitionBy("some_group").orderBy("age") as rnk)
    .filter($"rnk"=== 1)

2.4. Window function - find highest 3 salary in each dept

val partitionWindow = Window.partitionBy($"dept").orderBy($"salary".desc)
val rankTest = rank().over(partitionWindow)
employee.select($"*", rankTest as "rank").filter($"rank" < 4)show

empDF.select($"*", rank().over(Window.partitionBy($"deptno").orderBy($"sal".desc)) as "rank").filter($"rank" < 2)show

//using withColumn
empDF.withColumn("rank", rank() over Window.partitionBy("deptno").orderBy($"sal".desc)).filter($"rank" === 1).show()

2.5. Window Frame, Find min of salary; unboundedfllowwing represent bottom most row when doing desc ordering

default window frame is 'range between unbounded preceding and current row', then in desc ordering, current row is always the last so need to explictly specify window frame. If use min(salary)order by asc, then default frame will also work

empDF.select($"*", last($"sal").over(Window.partitionBy($"deptno").orderBy($"sal".desc).rowsBetween(Window.currentRow, Window.unboundedFollowing)) as "rank").show

2.6.1 window frame, cumulutive count/sum

// count how many people have salavery less or equal to current row salary. 
// count() OVER order by salary, have default frame from top row( lowest salary) to current salary.
// Over order by salary DESC, have same window frame, but now top row is highest salary, so it will return how many people have salary greater or equal to you

sql("SELECT salary, count(*) OVER (ORDER BY salary) AS cnt FROM t_employee order by salary").show //unbounding preceding to current
sql("SELECT salary, count(*) OVER (ORDER BY salary RANGE between unbounding following and current row) AS cnt FROM t_employee order by salary").show   //return count of salary that are creater or equal to you

2.7. Join

people.filter("age > 30")
     .join(department, people("deptId") === department("id"), 'left_outer' ) //inner, cross, outer, full, full_outer, left, left_outer
     .groupBy(department("name"), "gender")
     .agg(avg(people("salary")), max(people("age")))

2.8. Apply standardized transformation to All column using FoldLeft

val cleaned_df = srcDf.columns.foldLeft(srcDf) { 
                (resultDFplaceHolder, colName) => 
                       resultDFplaceHolder.withColumn( colName, 
                                                  when(srcDf(colName).isNull, "")
                                                  .when(srcDf(colName) === "null", "")
                                                  .otherwise( trim(srcDf(colName))) 

3. DataFrame Reader and Writer; CSV with options, Schema , timestampFormat

jay,2014-01-04 13:43:14.653

scala> spark.read.option("inferSchema","true").option("timestampFormat","yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS").csv("data").printSchema
 |-- _c0: string (nullable = true)
 |-- _c1: timestamp (nullable = true)

val df = spark.read.option("delimiter", "\t").csv("data/people.csv")
// or 
val df = spark.read
  .option("header", "true")
  .option("inferSchema", "true") // inferSchema will allow spark to automatecally map the DDL.
  .option("nullValue", "NA")
  .option("timestampFormat", "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss")
  .option("mode", "failfast")
  .option("path", "survey.csv")


3.2. .schema("id Int, name String, address String, ztate String,zip String")

// load with DDL like Schema definition
.schema("id Int, name String, address String, ztate String,zip String")

// must put .csv last,  .csv will return dataframe already;   .option.schema still return dataframe reader
.schema("id Int, name String, address String, ztate String,zip String")

3.3. Writer parquet with partition and specify compress algorithin

.option("compression","none"), default is "snappy"

.coalesce(n) : specify number of file to write, must be small than default

  .mode("overwrite") //append|overwrite|errorIfExists|ignore

3 RDD example

list count of file in all root directory

sudo find / > flist.txt # list all directory to flist.txt 
//hadoop fs -copyFromLocal flist.txt /user/jay
wc -l flist.txt
cat flist.txt | head -n10
val flistRDD = sc.textFile("flist.txt", 5) // split into 5 partition
flistRDD.foreachPartition(p =>println("No of Items in partition-" + p.count(y=>true)))
val listRDD = flistRDD.map(x=> x.split("/")) // convertinto an array RDD
val kvRDD= listRDD.map(a => (a(0),1)) # convert the list into a tuple/key value pair. (first element, 1) ir. (bin,1)
val fcountRDD = kvRDD.reduceByKey( (x,y)=> x+y ) 
fcountRDD.collect() # return result RDD to driver

4. another Spark DF quick Sample

import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.Window
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._

// Create Spark Session
val spark = SparkSession.builder.master("local").appName("Window Function").getOrCreate()
import sparkSession.implicits._

// Create Sample Dataframe
val empDF = spark.createDataFrame(Seq(
      (7369, "SMITH", "CLERK", 7902, "17-Dec-80", 800, 20, 10),
      (7499, "ALLEN", "SALESMAN", 7698, "20-Feb-81", 1600, 300, 30),
      (7521, "WARD", "SALESMAN", 7698, "22-Feb-81", 1250, 500, 30),
      (7566, "JONES", "MANAGER", 7839, "2-Apr-81", 2975, 0, 20),
      (7654, "MARTIN", "SALESMAN", 7698, "28-Sep-81", 1250, 1400, 30),
      (7698, "BLAKE", "MANAGER", 7839, "1-May-81", 2850, 0, 30),
      (7782, "CLARK", "MANAGER", 7839, "9-Jun-81", 2450, 0, 10),
      (7788, "SCOTT", "ANALYST", 7566, "19-Apr-87", 3000, 0, 20),
      (7839, "KING", "PRESIDENT", 0, "17-Nov-81", 5000, 0, 10),
      (7844, "TURNER", "SALESMAN", 7698, "8-Sep-81", 1500, 0, 30),
      (7876, "ADAMS", "CLERK", 7788, "23-May-87", 1100, 0, 20)
    )).toDF("empno", "ename", "job", "mgr", "hiredate", "sal", "comm", "deptno")
empDF.select($"*", rank().over(Window.partitionBy($"deptno").orderBy($"sal".desc)) as "rank").filter($"rank" < 2).show
|empno|ename|      job| mgr| hiredate| sal|comm|deptno|rank|
| 7788|SCOTT|  ANALYST|7566|19-Apr-87|3000|   0|    20|   1|
| 7839| KING|PRESIDENT|   0|17-Nov-81|5000|   0|    10|   1|
| 7698|BLAKE|  MANAGER|7839| 1-May-81|2850|   0|    30|   1|

|deptno|      job|min(sal)|max(sal)|
|    20|  ANALYST|    3000|    3000|
|    20|  MANAGER|    2975|    2975|
|    30|  MANAGER|    2850|    2850|
|    30| SALESMAN|    1250|    1600|
|    20|    CLERK|    1100|    1100|
|    10|PRESIDENT|    5000|    5000|
|    10|    CLERK|     800|     800|
|    10|  MANAGER|    2450|    2450|

|deptno|      job|count|
|    20|  ANALYST|    1|
|    20|  MANAGER|    1|
|    30|  MANAGER|    1|
|    30| SALESMAN|    4|
|    10|PRESIDENT|    1|
|    20|    CLERK|    1|
|    10|    CLERK|    1|
|    10|  MANAGER|    1|

sudo find / > flist.txt # list all directory to flist.txt hadoop fs -ls /user

hadoop fs -copyFromLocal flist.txt /user/jay

hadoop fs -ls /user/jay


val flistRDD = sc.textFile("/user/jay/filist.txt", 5) # split into 5 partition

val listRDD = flistRDD.map(x=> x.split("/")) # convertinto an array RDD

val kvRDD= listRDD.map(a => (a(0),1)) # convert the list into a tuple/key value pair. (first element, 1) ir. (bin,1)

val fcountRDD = kwRDD.reduceByKey( (x,y)=> x+y ) #

fcountRDD.collect() # return result RDD to driver

Short Cut Key

scala> :help
:shortcuts     print JLine shortcuts

scala> :short
Keybinding mapping for JLine. The format is:
[key code]: [logical operation]

CTRL-K: erase the current cursor position to end of the line
CTRL-U: delete all the characters before the cursor position
CTRL-Y: paste erased line by above command

ctrl+insert : copy 
shift+insert : paste

CTRL-B: move to the previous character
CTRL-G: move to the previous word
CTRL-F: move to the next character
CTRL-A: move to the beginning of the line
CTRL-D: close out the input stream
CTRL-E: move the cursor to the end of the line
BACKSPACE, CTRL-H: delete the previous character
8 is the ASCII code for backspace and therefor
deleting the previous character
TAB, CTRL-I: signal that console completion should be attempted
CTRL-J, CTRL-M: newline

ENTER: newline
CTRL-L: clear screen
CTRL-N: scroll to the next element in the history buffer
CTRL-P: scroll to the previous element in the history buffer
CTRL-R: redraw the current line

CTRL-V: paste the contents of the clipboard (useful for Windows terminal)
CTRL-W: delete the word directly before the cursor
DELETE, CTRL-?: delete the previous character
127 is the ASCII code for delete