
SocialConnect is aiming to design a one stop app for all the social media apps(Viber, WhatsApp , Google Duo, Email) Given the List of Contacts and their preferred mode of contact, the app should enable the user to contact their friends through the preferred contact method alone. Example: Sam has the 3 contacts with the following preferences: 1) Ram can be reached only through Viber. 2) Ramesh can be reached via Email and Google Duo. 3) Suresh can be reached through WhatsApp alone. For the users to be reached through Viber: They should be able to see the contacts profile pic, Name, Viber ID, Last seen time. For the users to be reached through Email: They should be able to see only their Name and Email Id For the users to be reached through WhatsApp /Google Duo: They should be able to see their Name, Availability status(should be an image to indicate available or offline)

Primary LanguageJava


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