cap-strap is a Capistrano Extension that bootstraps a machine for future capistrano tasks. It installs System-wide RVM and specified rubies and gems. It will create a deploy user, upload authorized_keys and deploy key.
Currently cap-strap has only been tested on Ubuntu 10.04 and 10.10, 12.04.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'cap-strap'
And then execute:
$ bundle
####Upload deploy_key for deploy_user
Set the relative path to the deploy_key and run:
$ cap <stage> bootstrap:upload_deploy_key
####Upload authorized keys for deploy_user
Set the relative path to the deploy_key and run:
$cap <stage> bootstrap:upload_authorized_keys
In your deploy.rb, you may override the following variables:
You may specificy any additional packages for installation by setting the :packages.
Note: Paths are relative to the root
set :bootstrap_user, "<name of root user for bootstraping>" # default: prompt for user input
set :bootstrap_password, "<password associated with the root user>" # default: empty string
set :bootstrap_keys, "<array containing path to ssh keys>" # default: empty array
set :deploy_user, "<name of user for future deployes>" # default: 'deploy'
set :deploy_user_password, "<password for deploy user>" # default: skips. Recommend using authorized keys
set :authorized_keys_file, "<location of authorized keys>" # skips if not specified
set :deploy_key_file, "<location of deploy-key>" # skips if not specified
set :known_hosts, "<string of known hosts"> # default:
set :default_ruby, "1.9.3-p125" # default: '1.9.3-p125'
set :rubies, [
:version => "1.9.3-p125-perf",
:patch => "falcon,debug --force-autoconf -j 3"
set :gemset, "<default gemset>" # default 'global'
set :global_gems, ["bundler", "other-gem"] # default: ["bundler"]
set :packages, ["git", "vim"] # default: []
Note: Run from project root
$ cap <stage> bootstrap
We're for testing the capistrano configuration.
Running Tests:
rake test
- manually run the testsbundle exec guard start
- Use guard to watch for changes and run tests automatically.
Vagrant will fetch a lucid-64 box and boot it up. Once started, it will run cap bootstrap on the vagrant box.
To run: bundle exec rake vagrant_test
To reload the box and run again: bundle exec rake vagrant_test:restart
Vagrant Notes:
vagrant ssh
- will ssh into the vagrant VM.- lucid64 root user and password is "vagrant"
- vagrant box runs on port 2222
vagrant destroy
- will destroy the current vagrant VM. It doesn't remove the large downloaded box.
For more information regarding Vagrant:
- Fork it
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b my-new-feature
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Added some feature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin my-new-feature
) - Create new Pull Request