- 5
updata error
#41 opened by mingkosan - 2
- 3
- 0
- 70
Tweak geometry not working
#49 opened by retrorepair - 1
control using LPT parallel port
#47 opened by immortanjoexxx - 11
- 4
- 1
Christmas already!
#39 opened by sesimo81 - 1
New version not update.
#38 opened by immortanjoexxx - 6
- 4
- 0
- 10
- 3
new version
#31 opened by mingkosan - 3
About changing computers
#37 opened by mingkosan - 3
MAME hangs loading roms, RA does not
#36 opened by retrorepair - 12
Groovyarcade fails to load AM after update
#30 opened by retrorepair - 4
Couldn't update the pacman database, aborting
#35 opened by retrorepair - 19
- 1
want more functions
#33 opened by mingkosan - 8
- 5
Using X, retroarch only loads once
#28 opened by retrorepair - 14
Attract Mode crashes with some videos
#29 opened by kamzata - 38
When leaving MAME game to come back to Attract Mode, Monitor loses picture/sync.
#26 opened by skilau - 1
doxbox core
#24 opened by zagorhc - 2
How can use amdgpu not radeon
#27 opened by ekang4887 - 0
x68000 core
#25 opened by zagorhc - 15
Black screen on TTY1 after booting only
#23 opened by JGG-Apps - 3
- 9
Insert Environment variables correctly?
#19 opened by MrMEEE - 2
Joystick quirks support
#17 opened by juniorterin - 4
- 5
can't update
#20 opened by mingkosan - 10
Joysticks are switched around on reboot?
#4 opened by MrMEEE - 8
Choose Front-End
#12 opened by CiTrON-AwP - 4
Can't boot in 15khz after install
#18 opened by zombizF - 1
Does groovyarcade boot at 15khz?
#16 opened by wolfshow - 1
- 6
#14 opened by juniorterin - 2
Dual Boot ?
#13 opened by deadl0ck - 3
Two queries
#11 opened by mapaupuropo - 12
Negative sync option
#10 opened by Ketturi - 3
Network Setup Incorrectly Spells "Dynamic"
#9 opened by oscilated - 11
- 14
- 2
- 2
vertical monitor orientation not working
#5 opened by arfink - 9
Disable/Configure Switchres
#3 opened by MrMEEE - 5
mouse pointer disappears
#2 opened by AkiAfroo