This repo provides ground truth data for Artifact types and locations used at the DARPA Subterranean Challenge Final Event. It also includes various data products that may be of interest to the SubT Challenge Community.


  • Systems_Finals_Artifact_Ground_Truth.xlsx -- Spreadsheet listing each Artifact; its type; and x,y,z location in the DARPA coordinate frame.
  • Systems_Finals_Fiducials_Ground_Truth.xlsx -- Spreadsheet listing reference frame fiducials defining the DARPA coordiante frame.
  • artifacts/systems_final_.csv -- Text files listing each Artifact type and x,y,z location in the DARPA coordinate frame.
  • data/systems_final.pcd -- Down-sampled point cloud of the Finals course, defined in the DARPA Cartesian coordinate frame.
  • Systems_Finals_Artifacts_Map_.pdf -- Maps of Artifact locations and associated artifact types for all rounds together and the three rounds individually.
  • course_design/Finals_Course_Callouts.pdf -- Details the design of each section of the Final Event competition course. Each section description includes design parameters, fabrication details, inspiration references, and pictures of both the build and the virtual model.
  • course_design/ -- Zip file with many of the artwork and graphics used in the Final Event competition course.

Course Visualization in RViz

The course may be visualized as a point cloud with artifact markers using ROS and RViz. This package depends on ROS and the pcl_ros package to build.

To visualize the point clouds and artifact locations, run roslaunch finals_ground_truth view.launch. Pass with argument, e.g., config:=prelim1 to visualize artifact locations for a particular configuration. The default configuration is prize. Config may be prelim1, prelim2, or prize.

Note on Coordinate Transforms

Surveyed scan data is provided in a single file. When using the view.launch file, the point cloud is provided in the darpa coordinate frame with transformations between darpa, and utm frames provided on the /tf_static ROS topic. These coordinate frames are defined as follows:

  • darpa = the DARPA Cartesian coordinate frame for the Finals course

  • utm = a Cartesian coordinate frame, defined by UTM zone 16N

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