A collection of resources for Quantum Computing enthusiasts
- University of Oxford, Strachey Lecture - Quantum Supremacy - Scott Aaronson (audio / video)
- Introduction to Microsoft Quantum Development Kit (video)
- Some light quantum mechanics - 3Blue1Brown
- Essence of Linear Algebra - 3Blue1Brown
- A Beginner's Guide to Quantum Computing - Dr Talia Gershon
- Explaination of Shor's Algorithm - PBS Infinite Series
- Mathematics of Quantum Computers - PBS Infinite Series
- Quantum Computing - Top 3 Microsoft Breakthroughs - Krysta Svore
- One Entangled Evening - Krysta Svore
- Quantum Computation for Quantum Chemistry - Michael Freedman
- Thoughts on Quantum Computing - Michael Freedman
- The Hitckhiker's Guide to the Quantum Computing and Q# Blog (blog)
- Quantum Computing: Quick Reference Guide
- Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics - Wikipedia
- Bloch Sphere - St Andrews University
- Quantum Computing Since Democritus by Scott Aaronson
- Quantum Enigma: Physics Encounters Consciousness by Fred Kuttner
- Q is for Quantum by Terry Rudolph
- Quantum Computing for Babies by Chris Ferrie
- Learn Quantum Computing with Python and Q# by Sarah C. Kaiser and Christopher E. Granade.
- Quantum Computing for Java Developers by Johan Vos.
- Quantum Computation and Quantum Information by Nielsen and Chuang
- "Thinking Quantum": Lectures on Quantum Theory for High-School Students by Barak Shoshany (arXiv)
- ASCR Report on Quantum Computing for Science (pdf)
- A Gentle Introduction to Computational Complexity - Sean Hogan (pdf)
- Q#: Enabling scalable quantum computing and development with a high-level domain-specific language
- Quantum Development Kit
- Q Sharp Demo code
- Q# Coding Katas - self-paced tutorials.
- A Beginners Guide to Quantum Computing by Frances Tibble
- Quantum Gates and Circuits: The Crash Course by Anita Ramanan
- Quantum Teleportation in Q# by Frances Tibble
- Q# Samples on GitHub
- Redmond, USA
- Sydney, Australia
- Delft, Netherlands
- Copenhagen, Denmark
- Santa Barbara, USA (Station Q)
- West Lafayette/ Purdue, USA
- Quantum AI Publications
- Bristlecone Quantum Processor (blog post)
- Complexity Zoo
- Liquid: Quantum Computer Simulator (superceded by QDK)
- Quantum Computer Playground (simulator)
- List of Quantum Computer Simulators