
Oscilloscope for Mac/Windows written in OF

Primary LanguageC++


A software oscilloscope attempting to mimic the aesthetic of old school ray oscilloscopes.

Not a programmer?

This is the programming documentation. If you are not a programmer please

Project setup

  1. Download and unzip Openframeworks 0.84
  2. Move this project into apps/myApps/oscilloscope
  3. Clone ofxMightyUI into addons/ofxMightyUI
  4. Clone ofxAvCodec into ofxAvCodec.
  5. (This is seriously painful) Follow the instructions in ofxAvCodec/ffmpeg_src/readme.md and compile shared libraries for your platform

Compiling with XCode

  1. run scripts/clean.sh
  2. run scripts/prepare.sh osx
  3. Open apps/myApps/oscilloscope/Oscilloscope.xcodeproject and then Build&Run

Compiling with Visual studio

  1. run scripts/clean.sh
  2. run scripts/prepare.sh win32
  3. Open oscilloscope.sln and Build&Run

Compiling with make in Linux

  1. run scripts/clean.sh
  2. run scripts/prepare.sh linux64
  3. run make && make run ? [subwolf knows, i haven't done this in ages!]

See scripts/readme.md for the full distribution process.

Openframeworks 0.84 vs 0.9

This project compiles under Openframeworks 0.84. Only a few tiny changes are required for 0.9RC2:

  • sounddevices.h: Change RtError to RtAudioError
  • ofApp.h: Change ofRect to ofDrawRectangle

This project will transition to OF 0.9 as soon as the first stable version is released.

Experimenting with the shaders

Once you have a running version (either compiled or a binary release) you can manipulate the shaders on the fly. The shaders will be reloaded automatically when they're saved. Please note that you're bound to OpenGL2 / GLSL 1.2 (shader 120 with gl_ext_geometry_shader)

License/Source code

  • Openframeworks. A creative coding library. The larger part of it is licensed as MIT/BSD.
  • FFmpeg and ofxAvCodec. FFmpeg is the encoder/decoder library and licensed under the gpl/lgpl 2.1. The binaries included here were compiled to comply with the lgpl. A copy of the LGPL together with instructions how the library was compiled for each platform can be found in the legal folder.
  • The sourcecode for this application is freely available on github.