PipeDrive Rest-ful Test

  1. How To Install
  2. How To Use
  3. Using the Unit Test

How To Install

  1. Clone the Project using command :
    git clone git@github.com:subzerobo/pipedrive_test.git
  2. Install the composer if you dont have it already ;-)
  3. Run composer install in the root directory of project
  4. Create the database using any name you like.
  5. Edit Database Settings in config/settings.php in db section
 'db' => [         
         'driver' => 'mysql',    
         'host' => '',    
         'port' => '3306',    
         'database' => "organization",    
         'username' => 'your_username',    
         'password' => "your_password",    
         'charset' => 'utf8',    
         'collation' => 'utf8_unicode_ci',    
         'prefix' => '',    
  1. Load the dump in your database database\dump.sql
  2. Set up virtual host on Apache or Nginx, make sure what DocumentRoot relate on public directory
  3. Alternatively you can just run commnad composer start to start project using your local machine PHP: Built-in web server for this url : http://localhost:8080

How To Use

You can use any tool for making HTTP queries: postman, curl, etc.

Using Postman Collection

  1. To test project using the postman collection you can import Collection JSON file in root of project OrganizationRest.postman_collection.json in you Postman , you can download it here https://www.getpostman.com/ or just use the web-interface.
  2. There are 3 [Three] Requests Here :
    - Create Organization [ Create the Sample item provided in test ]
  • Get Organization [Query for sample search parameter : Black Banana]
  • Get Organization With Pagination [Query for sample serach parameter : Black Banana with limit query parameter set

First End Point 1) For testing first end-point [ Organizations and Relations creation ] just send POST request to /organizations url with this body and JSON (application/json) body type

 "org_name": "Paradise Island", "daughters": [{ "org_name": "Banana tree", "daughters": [{ "org_name": "Yellow Banana" }, { "org_name": "Brown Banana" }, { "org_name": "Black Banana" }] }, { "org_name": "Big banana tree", "daughters": [{ "org_name": "Yellow Banana" }, { "org_name": "Brown Banana" }, { "org_name": "Green Banana" }, { "org_name": "Black Banana", "daughters": [{ "org_name": "Phoneutria Spider" }] }] }]}  
  1. For testing second end-point (getting relation of Organization) just send GET request to /organizations/{organizationName} url (organizationName should be urlencoded if you are not using browser to test it )
    You can use pagination parameters: just use limit and page parameters. For example: /organizations/Black Banana?limit=3&page=1. Default values for limit is 100 and for the page is 1.

Using the Unit Test

to do php unit tests just use composer test command in the root directory.