- Clone the entire repo to your local.
- Open the terminal/command prompt and point to the cloned folder's path.
- Create an empty folder to store the logs (if doesn't exist).
- Copy the path of the logs folder(DATA_PATH) where you want the program to create logs.
- Run the command "./generate.sh DATA_PATH"
- The above command will generate 1000 logs in the DATA_PATH folder for the date(2014-10-31).
- Then run the command "./query.sh DATA_PATH", which will prompt an interactive query tool that expects the two possible commands as mentioned below.
- In the interactive tool provide the command "QUERY IP cpu_id time_start time_end" to filter IPs between the start and end time. IP address should be in between ‘’ - ‘’.
- Exapmle: QUERY 0 2014-10-31 00:00 2014-10-31 00:05
- In the interactive tool provide the command "EXIT"(all caps) to exit from the interactive tool.