
Ruby Rake script to backup your WordPress blog database and site to Amazon S3

Primary LanguageRuby

Backup your WordPress database and site to Amazon S3

Author:    Justin Britten [justin at compulsivoco dot com]
Copyright: 2009 Compulsivo, Inc.
License:   MIT License (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)


  $ rake -f wordpress.rake -T
    rake wordpress:backup              # Backup both the WordPress database and site
    rake wordpress:backup:db           # Backup the WordPress database to S3
    rake wordpress:backup:site         # Backup the WordPress site to S3
    rake wordpress:manage:list         # List all your backups
    rake wordpress:manage:cleanup      # Remove all but the last 10 most recent backups 
                                       #   (optionally specify KEEP=5 to keep the last 5)
    rake wordpress:retrieve            # Retrieve the latest WordPress database and site backup from S3 
                                       #   (optionally specify VERSION=file_name)
    rake wordpress:retrieve:db         # Retrieve the latest WordPress database backup from S3 
                                       #   (optionally specify VERSION=file_name)
    rake wordpress:retrieve:site       # Retrieve the latest WordPress site backup from S3 
                                       #   (optionally specify VERSION=file_name)


   1.  You'll need to install the aws-s3 gem.
       $ sudo gem install aws-s3

   2.  Specify your database credentials, site path, and Amazon S3 access keys by editing the Rake script.


   Put this in your crontab to run nightly backups at 3am:
     0 3 * * * rake -f /PATH/TO/wordpress.rake wordpress:backup