BarBeerDrinker Demo Project

This project is structured so that there are two folders - one for UI development using Angular and the other for the server-side application using Flask.

Running a development version of the UI

To run the UI, go to the bar-beer-drinker-ui folder and first make sure you have the dependencies installed. To do this, you need to have Node.js and NPM (comes with Node.js) installed and then execute:

npm install

This will get all the dependencies based on the package.json file.

Afterwards, you will also need to have Angular CLI installed on a global level.

npm install -g @angular/cli

To run the UI code, use:

ng serve

To build a final distribution package of the UI code:

ng build

This will create a dist folder containing all the files that need to be included into your server-side application folder under the static folder (go to Flask documentation for further details on this).

Running the Flask application locally

To run the Flask application locally, make sure you first have the virtual environment setup.

Install virtualenv

pip install virtualenv

Activate the virtual environment




Installing Python project dependencies

Make sure you have the virtual environment activated - there should be (venv) next to the bash prompt in the terminal.

pip install -r requirements.txt

Running the application in development

To run the application
