Tensorflow implementation of "Defocus and Motion Blur Detection with Deep Contextual Features"
For image examples:
This repository contains a test code and sythetic dataset, which consists of scenes including motion and defocus blurs together in each scene.
- Ubuntu 16.04
- Tensorflow 1.6.0 (<= 1.9.0)
- Tensorlayer 1.8.2
- OpenCV2
- We used CUHK blur detection dataset for training our network and generating our synthetic dataset
- Train and test set lists are uploaded in 'dataset' folder
- download model weights from google drive and save the model into 'model' folder.
- specify a path of input folder in 'main.py' at line #39
- run 'main.py'
python main.py
- download synthetic train set(337MB) and synthetic test set(11.5MB) from google drive
- Note that sharp pixels, motion-blurred pixels, and defocus-blurred pixels in GT blur maps are labeled as 0, 100, and 200, respectively, in the [0,255] range.