
Headless RDP NLA and Authentication Check

Primary LanguageShell

RDP security/authentication check
    Cobbled together by Thaddeus Cooper
    thad@thadcooper.com | thaddeuslcooper@gmail.com

Credit to citronneur for his great work on rdpy

syntax `./rdpcheck.sh <iplist>

Takes a list of IPs in provided file (line delimination) and does the following:
    NLA Check - Attempts to connect to target with NLA disabled, takes screenshot of desktop session, and outputs to screenshot subdirectory in pwd
    Authentication Check - Prompts for Domain, Username, and Password and attempts to authenticate to target with provided credentials. Outputs IP and results.


rdpy suite by Sylvain Peyrefitte (citronneur)
FreeRDP Suite
    should be included with X in most *nix systems