
download tool & baidu netdisk

Primary LanguageGo


baidu netdisk use pcs api

and with some useful tools


config file

on unix /etc/disk.json and use mpv player

on windows C:\Users\Default\disk.json and use PotPlayerMini.exe player

disk info

disk info /path/to/file

disk ls

disk cd /path

disk get /path/to/file

disk put /local/file

disk rm /path/to/file

disk wget http://xxx

disk play /path/to/file

disk play http://xxx

disk hash /local/file

disk pwd

disk mv oldpath newpath

disk mkdir dirname

disk task list

disk task add / http://fileurl

disk task info taskId

disk task remove taskId

disk help

fast download and multithreading

other flag

disk put local_file -f fore rewrite remote file if conflicted

disk info file --link show file info and download link ,the link can be downloaded in multithread


Static File Server

disk serve start a static file server

disk serve -h see help

-p set the listen port

-d set the document root

directory list is enabled by default

Wget Download

disk wget http://url

like wget but only for http/https

It is multithreading and with awesome features

http header control

--cookie "cookie string"

--refer "http refer string"

--ua "user agent string"

range control

use --range:1230-123456 or --range:1230- to force get certain range content

you also can use

disk wget url --range:0-88000
disk wget url --range:88000-988000
disk wget url --range:988000-

thus will not break your file which just like disk wget url

speed control

--fast/--slow --fat/--thin can be used for speed control

for thread

default thread is 8

disk wget url --fast // up to 16 thread
disk wget url --slow // set to 4 thread

for chunk

default chunk is 2097152 (2MB)

disk wget url --fat // set to 8MB
disk wget url --thin // set to 256KB

Play Url Video

disk play url

is like wget download but have another two features

It call video player automatically

It calls player once download > 2%

on unix use mpv player

on windows use PotPlayerMini.exe player

those commands should be called directly or it will failed silently

It can write data to stdout rather than file

use --stdout to write data to stdout ranther than file

for example

use another player to play

disk play url --stdout | ffplay -i -

write to stdout for gzip or xz decode play

disk play url --stdout | gzip -d | mpv -

play exist file but the remain data download to stdout to play

(cat a.flv && disk play /test/a.flv --stdout) | mpv -


disk proxy

disk reverse

Reverse Proxy

disk reverse start a reverse proxy server

it is like nginx reverse proxy , but can work with upstream proxy

disk reverse -h see help

-u is your reverse proxy url aka proxy_pass url

it can be any url http/https or with uri

-p is the server port, default 8123

Reverse Proxy With Upstream Proxy

-proxy to use an upstream http(s) proxy

-proxy http://your_http_proxy:6056 or -proxy https://your_http_proxy:6056

-socks to use an upstream socks5 proxy


-socks is used if both proxy are configured

if your proxy is only http_proxy proxy then you can only proxy http backend (no https backend)

Forward Proxy

disk proxy start a http/https/socks5 proxy server

disk proxy -h see help

-p is the proxy server port, default 8123

http(s) proxy

disk proxy start the server can be used as a http proxy and https proxy server

socks5 proxy

disk proxy start the server can be used as a socks5 proxy server

socks5 to http(s) proxy

use -socks to set an upstream socks5 proxy

which all the proxy request(http/https/socks5) will pass to


disk network test download speed for given url

echo http://xxx.com/filepath | tdisk network -s 0 -t 10
-s 0 for unlimit filesize

test for ip with one host

disk network -host xxx.com -path /filepath

-path begin with /