
A demonstration with wiremock of how to do integration testing of a .NET Core application

Primary LanguageC#GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0



A demonstration of how WireMock.NET can help you with integration testing of your .NET Core project. Here is our article on codeproject about this.


IntegrationFixture is a package available on NuGet to do integration testing with a Fixture, just like many developers use AutoFixture for unit tests. Read more about this in our article on CodeProject. The main difference is that you need to setup (and Freeze) and verify external dependencies instead of internal dependencies. Setting up an external dependency (typically a web service) is done with WireMock.NET. Here is a coding example with .NET Core 3.1 (this is the recommended version, we have .NET Core 2.1 support too with an example here):

public async Task GetTest()
    // arrange
    using (var fixture = new Fixture<Startup>())
        using (var mockServer = fixture.FreezeServer("Google"))
            SetupStableServer(mockServer, "Response");
            var controller = fixture.Create<SearchEngineController>();

            // act
            var response = await controller.GetNumberOfCharacters("Hoi");

            // assert
            var request = mockServer.LogEntries.Select(a => a.RequestMessage).Single();
            Assert.Contains("Hoi", request.RawQuery);
            Assert.Equal(8, ((OkObjectResult)response.Result).Value);

private void SetupStableServer(FluentMockServer fluentMockServer, string response)
        .RespondWith(Response.Create().WithBody(response, encoding: Encoding.UTF8)

⚠️The type specified via Create<> is typically a controller class or an interface. This is because it has to be resolved via the DI of .NET Core. So use Create < SomeController> or Create< ISomeInterface>.

⚠️Call Freeze methods before the Create methods. This ensures the Create "knows" about the frozen objects or mock servers

To work with it, you need to setup the ItemGroup dependency in your test project correctly, like done here:

    <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Testing" Version="3.1.3" />
    <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk" Version="16.6.1" />
    <PackageReference Include="xunit" Version="2.4.1" />
    <PackageReference Include="xunit.runner.visualstudio" Version="2.4.1">
      <IncludeAssets>runtime; build; native; contentfiles; analyzers; buildtransitive</IncludeAssets>
    <PackageReference Include="ConnectingApps.IntegrationFixture" Version="3.1.8" />

For .NET Core 2.1, it is typically:

    <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Testing" Version="2.1.3" />
    <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk" Version="16.6.1" />
    <PackageReference Include="ConnectingApps.IntegrationFixture" Version="2.1.8" />
    <PackageReference Include="xunit" Version="2.4.1" />
    <PackageReference Include="xunit.runner.visualstudio" Version="2.4.1">
      <IncludeAssets>runtime; build; native; contentfiles; analyzers; buildtransitive</IncludeAssets>

For .NET 5, it is typically:

    <PackageReference Include="ConnectingApps.IntegrationFixture" Version="5.0.8" />
    <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Testing" Version="5.0.0" />
    <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk" Version="16.8.0" />
    <PackageReference Include="xunit" Version="2.4.1" />
    <PackageReference Include="xunit.runner.visualstudio" Version="2.4.3">
        <IncludeAssets>runtime; build; native; contentfiles; analyzers; buildtransitive</IncludeAssets>

⚠️ ⚠ **ReSharper and Test Runner may not directly detect the dependencies but this can be solved by reloading your project **

For Refit support, you just need to a install a recent version of Refit. The specific version does not really matter.

xUnit is recommended to be used as a test framework but it is not required. Here is a full example of such a test project.

There is also an example for .NET Core 2.1 .


Like with AutoFixture, it is possible to Customize your fixture and create your own Customization.

Here is an example of Customization (added in 2.1.3 and 3.1.3). New Configuration parameters (from a json file) are added like this:

fixture.Customize(new JsonCustomizer(jsonPath));

Refit support

Call your controller from a refit client and test both your client package and controller package at once, added in 2.1.4 and 3.1.4 . We wrote an article about this on CodeProject.

using (var fixture = new RefitFixture<Startup, ISearchEngine>(RestService.For<ISearchEngine>))
    using (var mockServer = fixture.FreezeServer("Google"))
        SetupStableServer(mockServer, "Response");
        var refitClient = fixture.GetRefitClient();
        var response = await refitClient.GetNumberOfCharacters("Hoi");
        await response.EnsureSuccessStatusCodeAsync();
        var request = mockServer.LogEntries.Select(a => a.RequestMessage).Single();
        Assert.Contains("Hoi", request.RawQuery);

Assert on the logged data

A new feature added in 3.1.5 and 2.1.5 . You can assert on the logged data and the test lines that are logged

using (var fixture = new Fixture<Startup>())
    var controller = fixture.Create<LogicController>();
    var response = controller.Put(new Name()
        FirstName = "F",
        LastName = "L"
    Assert.Equal(200, ((ObjectResult)response.Result).StatusCode);
    var dataLogged = fixture.LogSource.GetLoggedObjects<Name>().ToList();
    Assert.Equal("F", dataLogged.Single().Value.FirstName);
    Assert.Contains(fixture.LogSource.GetLogLines(), a => a == "Warning Logged");
    Assert.Contains(fixture.LogSource.GetLogLines(), a => a.Contains("This is the input"));

Freeze Moq Mocks

Just like with AutoFixture, IntegrationFixture supports the Freeze method since 3.1.6 and 2.1.6 method to Freeze mocks. For this, Moq needs to be installed in the test project. Once that is done, the mock can be used inside the test project to be verified at the end of the test. Here are some examples:

// arrange
await using (var fixture = new Fixture<Startup>())
    var service = fixture.Freeze<Mock<ISearchEngineService>>();
    service.Setup(a => a.GetNumberOfCharactersFromSearchQuery(It.IsNotNull<string>()))

    var controller = fixture.Create<SearchEngineController>();

    // act
    var response = await controller.GetNumberOfCharacters("Hoi");

    // assert
    Assert.Equal(8, ((OkObjectResult) response.Result).Value);
    service.Verify(s => s.GetNumberOfCharactersFromSearchQuery("Hoi"), Times.Once);
// arrange
using (var fixture = new RefitFixture<Startup, ISearchEngine>(RestService.For<ISearchEngine>))
    var service = fixture.Freeze<Mock<ISearchEngineService>>();
    service.Setup(a => a.GetNumberOfCharactersFromSearchQuery(It.IsNotNull<string>()))

    var refitClient = fixture.GetRefitClient();

    // act
    var response = await refitClient.GetNumberOfCharacters("Hoi");
    // assert
    await response.EnsureSuccessStatusCodeAsync();
    service.Verify(s => s.GetNumberOfCharactersFromSearchQuery("Hoi"), Times.Once);

GraphQL Support

In version 2.1.7 and 3.1.7, GraphQL support was added. The following code uses IntegrationFixture to do the test. It works by creating a GraphQl client. After creation, a GraphQL query can be executed asynchronously. The output is a string (typically Json formatted). The output is verified with FluentAssertions.Json but this is a personal preference and not a requirement for testing. A full example of such a test can be found here.

using (var graphQlFixture = new GraphQlFixture<Startup>("playground/.."))
    var client = graphQlFixture.GetClient();

    // act
    var response = await client.ExecuteQuery("{ greetings { hello }}");

    // assert
    string expectedJson = "{\"data\":{\"greetings\":{\"hello\":\"World\"}}}";

    var actual = JToken.Parse(response.ResponseContent);
    var expected = JToken.Parse(expectedJson);
    Assert.Equal(HttpStatusCode.OK, response.StatusCode);

.NET 5 Support

.NET 5 Support has been added. An example of .NET 5 usage can be found here. This is how your ItemGroup element in your csproj should look like.

    <PackageReference Include="ConnectingApps.IntegrationFixture" Version="5.0.8" />
    <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Testing" Version="5.0.0" />
    <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk" Version="16.8.0" />
    <PackageReference Include="xunit" Version="2.4.1" />
    <PackageReference Include="xunit.runner.visualstudio" Version="2.4.3">
        <IncludeAssets>runtime; build; native; contentfiles; analyzers; buildtransitive</IncludeAssets>


You can use our test templates after installation and package restore. It uses IntegrationFixture as described here.

dotnet new --install ConnectingApps.TestTemplates 
dotnet new integrationtest-31
dotnet restore

If you use .NET Core 2.1 instead of 3.1, use this:

dotnet new --install ConnectingApps.TestTemplates 
dotnet new integrationtest-21
dotnet restore

We now have .NET 5 support too.

If you use .NET Core 5.0

dotnet new --install ConnectingApps.TestTemplates 
dotnet new integrationtest-50
dotnet restore